ハンタウィルス: 1名が感染 同乗者29人を隔離 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2020年 03月24日 21:09 『 ハンタウィルス: 1名が感染 同乗者29人を隔離 』
ハンタウィルス: 1名が感染 同乗者29人を隔離
法国国际广播电台 www.rfi.fr 2020-03-24 21:09 来源:
山東栄城魯陽水産食品有限公司がチャーターした山東省威海龍尾客運有限公司の大型バス(車番: 魯K00149、ドライバー合計2名、医療スタッフ1名、労働者30名)の車上で、雲南省臨滄市孟定鎮から山東省に戻る際に寧峡県(宮本注: 西省安康市にあります)を通過したところ、同行していた医療スタッフが、田 XXさんの体調不良に気づき、120に救助を求めて電話を入れた。
当地の120救急センターが直ちに到着、高速道路のサービスエリアから田 XXさんら4人が県医院の救急診療科に搬送され、田さんには治療が施され、発熱していた他の2人と同伴者1名が新型コロナウィルス肺炎の治療規範プロセスに基づき検査が行われた。 同時に、同バス内にいた他の29人は全て医療観察措置が講じられている。
One person infected with Hanta virus in China: 29 people in the same car were isolated
Radio France International www.rfi.fr 2020-03-24 21:09 Source:
A few days ago, China ’s online rumor spread that “a worker who was hired to return to work died of illness” raised public concern. The website of the Ningshan County People ’s Government of Shaanxi cited the Ningshan County Health Bureau ’s statement as saying the deceased Mr. Tian XX was tested positive for Hantavirus (hemorrhagic fever), the other passengers’ samples have been collected and sent for testing.
The report stated that, at 4 am on March 23, on a bus chartered by Shandong Rongcheng Luyang Aquatic Food Co., Ltd. In order to call back their workers from Mengding Town of Lincang City in Yunnan Province to Shandong, their home town to work there, a medical staff found that Mr. Tian XX was unwell and dialed 120 for help when the buss passed by Ningshan County. The bus was owned by Shandong Weihai Longwei Passenger Transport Co., Ltd. (The buss’s number: Lu K00149, 2 drivers in total, 1 medical staff, and 30 workers were in the bus).
The local 120 emergency center arrived immediately and took Mr. Tian XX and other 4 people from the expressway service area to the county hospital emergency department to treat Mr. Tian XX, two fever personnel and one accompanying person were examined in accordance with the normative procedure for treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia. At the same time, local medical observation measures were implemented for all 29 other people in the same car.
It is known that medical observation means that people who have been in close contact with infectious patients or suspected infectious patients (close contacts) are taken isolation measures according to the longest incubation period
中国一人染汉坦病毒亡 同车29人被隔离
法国国际广播电台 www.rfi.fr 2020-03-24 21:09 来源:
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20200324D ハンタウィルス: 1名が感染 同乗者29人を隔離(RFI)