
アフリカ豚コレラ 貴州省貴陽市で発生 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

アフリカ豚コレラ 貴州省貴陽市で発生 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2019年 05月18日 15:06『 アフリカ豚コレラ 貴州省貴陽市で発生 』

アフリカ豚コレラ 貴州省貴陽市で発生
中国 农业农村部 www.moa.gov.cn 2019-05-18           15:06 来源: 业农村部 新闻办公室


051813時、農業農村部は、貴陽市烏当区のある屠殺場でのローラー調査の結果、貴州省動物疾病予防管理センターによりアフリカ豚コレラが確診されたとの中国動物疾病予防管理センターの報告を受けた。初歩調査により、このブタは省外から違法搬入されたものだということが判明。 これまでに75頭のブタのうち6頭が発病、6頭が死亡している。



African swine fever was detected at a small slaughterhouse in Wudang District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province; pigs were transferred from outside

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural China             www.moa.gov.cn  2019-05-18 15:06 Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs News Office

On May 18, 2019, the Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced that pigs at a slaughterhouse in Wudang District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province were detected as the African Swine Fever and pigs were brought to the city from outside the province.

At 13:00 on May 18, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs received a report from the China Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center, which was diagnosed by the Guizhou Provincial Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center that a slaughterhouse in Wudang District of Guiyang City detected the African swine fever epidemic. According to preliminary investigations, the batch of pigs was illegally transferred from the province by the owner. Up to now, the batch of 75 pigs has a total of 6 diseases and 6 deaths.

Immediately after the outbreak, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs sent a steering group to the site to carry out the supervision on epidemic situation and epidemiological investigation. The local government has initiated an emergency response mechanism as required to block the slaughterhouse, control all vehicles, pigs and pig products on the site, prohibit all pigs and their products from being released from the blockade zone, and prohibit pigs from being


贵州省贵阳市乌当区一屠宰场的外省调入生猪排查出非洲猪瘟 疫情

中国农业农村部  www.moa.gov.cn   2019-05-18           15:06      来源: 农业农村部 新闻办公室




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20190518A アフリカ豚コレラ 貴州省貴陽市で発生 省外から搬入のブタ(農業農村部)


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