
デング熱は「北上」し続け黄河北岸に上陸と : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

デング熱は「北上」し続け黄河北岸に上陸と : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2024年 06月6日 20:18 『 デング熱は「北上」し続け黄河北岸に上陸と

腾讯新闻 new.qq.com 2024-06-06 20:18 來源: 新京报


本日(6月6日)は第8回世界害虫デー(宮本注: 英文はWorld Pest Dayとなります)だが、中国疾病管理センターの媒介生物主任専門家である劉起勇氏が新京報の独占インタビューに応じた。



Exclusive interview with Liu Qiyong, chief expert of the China CDC: Dengue fever continues to “move northward” and has landed on the north bank of the Yellow River

Tencent News new.qq.com 2024-06-06 20:18 Source: Beijing News

Global warming will have a profound impact on the spread of infectious diseases. When vector-borne animals gain access to wider warm areas, the diseases they carry and spread will also expand, causing epidemics in human society.

Today (June 6) is the eighth World Pest Day, Liu Qiyong, the chief expert of vector organisms of the CDC, accepted an exclusive interview with the reporter of the New Beijing News.

He told reporters that the global epidemic intensity of dengue fever, a highly-concerned vector-borne disease, has exceeded historical levels this year, and the number of imported cases discovered in China has also exceeded the



腾讯新闻 new.qq.com 2024-06-06 20:18 來源: 新京报




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