
刺身を食べると肝吸虫に感染 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

刺身を食べると肝吸虫に感染 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2004年11月19日 『 刺身を食べると肝吸虫に感染

2014年11月19日の記事です (This is an article issued on Nov. 19, 2004)

情報によると、患者は友達と一緒に夕食をとった際に、生魚を食べ、その後少ししてから高熱が続く症状が現れたが、当初は、風邪でも引いたのかと認識しており、病院受診後も多種の薬を服用するも病状は一向に好転しなかった。 その後、医師が肝吸虫の検査を薦めた。 患者が寄生虫病検疫部門で検査を受けたところ、肝吸虫感染と診断され、彼の胆管や総胆管、胆嚢全てから肝吸虫のタマゴがみつかった。
医師は、肝吸虫に感染する主な原因は、近年来刺身を食べることが一部の人たちにとってファッションとなっており、肝吸虫が魚の体に寄生している中、肝吸虫をもった魚の刺身を食べることで肝吸虫が人体に侵入するのだと分析している。このほか、まな板や魚の調理用具、包丁とヒトの手が携帯する、肝吸虫幼虫の交叉感染を招くことがある。 市民は日頃肝吸虫が最も好む宿主である多くのソウギョやフナ、コイと接触している。多くの市民は酒を飲めば肝吸虫を殺せると誤解しているがそのような食べ方をしないこと、実際この考え方は絶対的に誤りなのだ。

After eating sashimi, infected with liver fluke

39 Health Network www.39.net 2004-11-19

The Shanghai Parasitic Disease Quarantine Department has detected a patient who has been infected with schistosomiasis due to eating Sashimi. Paragonimiasis cases infected by eating raw fish has many cases before, but the detection of clonorchiasis is the first time ever, this once again became an alarm to the people who eat raw fish.
According to reports, the patient ate a raw fish(s) at dinner with a friend, shortly thereafter he symptoms of persistent fever. Supposing he had a cold, he went to the hospital after taking a variety of drugs, but condition has not improved. Later, the doctor advised him to do the liver fluke check. The patient was diagnosed with a parasite infection in the Parasitic Disease Quarantine Department, where he was found to have eggs of liver fluke in his bile duct, common bile duct and gallbladder.

Doctors analyze, that the main reason for infection with liver fluke is to eat raw fish has been a part of the people’s food-fashion, and since liver fluke parasitize in the fish, eating sashimi which carries liver fluke, will let liver fluke get into the human body. In addition, the chopping board, the fish cooking tool, the knife and the human hand which will carry the metacercariae might be able to cause the cross-infection. Citizens usually contact lots of grass carp, crucian carp, carp but these are the host whom the liver flukes mostly prefer, many people mistakenly believe that drinking can kill the liver fluke, so do not eat mistakenly, in fact, this concept is absolutely wrong.

39健康网 www.39.net 2004-11-19


20041119A 刺身を食べると肝吸虫に感染(39健康)


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