
百日咳: 今年既に13人死亡 発症率は昨年の23倍に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

百日咳: 今年既に13人死亡 発症率は昨年の23倍に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2024年 03月30日 14:42:21 『 百日咳: 今年既に13人死亡 発症率は昨年の23倍に 』

观察者 www.guancha.cn 2024-03-30 14:42:21 来源: 看看新闻




Whooping cough has killed 13 people this year, with the incidence rate 23 times that of the same period last year

Observer www.guancha.cn 2024-03-30 14:42:21 Source: Check out the news

Since the beginning of spring, with the disappearance of influenza and mycoplasma, another respiratory disease that has been insignificant for many years has been mentioned again, and it is whooping cough. In the past two days, the topic “Whooping Cough Reappears” has been a hot search topic and attracted attention.

According to statistics from the official website of the National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention, from January 1 to February 29 this year, 32,380 cases of whooping cough were reported across the country, nearly 23 times the number in the same period in 2023. Among the more than 30,000 whooping cough cases, 13 deaths



观察者 www.guancha.cn 2024-03-30 14:42:21 来源: 看看新闻



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20240330L 百日咳: 今年既に13人死亡 発症率は昨年の23倍に(観察者)


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