
2019年世界結核デー宣伝活動に関する通知 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2019年世界結核デー宣伝活動に関する通知 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2019年 03月06日 『 2019年世界結核デー宣伝活動に関する通知



2019年03月24日は第24回『世界結核予防デー(宮本注:1882年、コッホの結核菌発見発表日に因む、 1997年の世界保健総会で制定)』だが、今年の活動テーマは:『結核終結に向け行動し、ともに健康な中国を作り上げそれを享受しよう』。 健康な中国建設を貫徹するための総本部として、社会各界に行動を起こすように唱道及び彼らを結集して、有効な措置を採り、結核の流行を防いでいるが、我々はここに、本年度の世界結核予防デーの宣伝活動内容を以下のように告げる。


現地における結核の特長を全面的に分析し、真剣に予防治療活動の現状を整理、世界結核デーを契機に、地方の党委員会と政府に報告、彼らの支持を取り付けて重点を明確化、結核予防治療の宣伝工作を調整推進すること。 世界結核デー前後には、テーマをめぐる宣伝活動を集中的に実施し、影響力を向上させ、人々に結核のリスクの認識を高め、全社会共同の関心と積極的な関与のムードを高めること。


各級衛生健康行政部門は、関連部門と連携し、目的を絞って宣伝活動により国民一人一人が健康の第一責任者であるという意識を樹立せしめ、風通しをよくして、所かまわず痰を吐かないなど、良好な衛生習慣を養わせ、咳や淡が二週間以上続くなど結核を疑う症状が現れた場合にはマスク着用の上、速やかに病院を受診するようにと注意喚起すること。 社会各界の積極的参画を以て多くのボランティアの結核予防や治療知識を奥深く伝播普及させ、条件の整っている省(区、市)では結核予防治療都市ライトアップの展開をしてもよい。疾病予防管理機構や定点医療機構及び末端医療衛生機構はプロフェッショナルとしての優位性を十分に発揮し、結核患者に対する宣伝保障政策として、患者の規範的治療全過程を奨励せねばならない。 学校での健康教育にも深入りし、その後『結核制圧で健康な学園』活動をスタートする。 流動人口や老人などのグループについては、結核予防治療の『企業へ、社区(コミュニティ)


Notice on the launch of the World Tuberculosis Day Promotion Campaign for 2019

Disease Prevention and Control Bureau www.nhc.gov.cn 2019-03-06 Source:

The Disease Control Office of the Health and Health Committee of each province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government, and the Disease Control Division of the Health and Family Planning Commission of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

March 24, 2019 is the 24th World Tuberculosis Day. The theme of this year’s event is: “Starting to put the end of tuberculosis operations and building a healthy China.” In order to implement the overall deployment of healthy China construction, advocate and mobilize all sectors of society to take action, and take effective measures to curb the tuberculosis epidemic, we are now making the following announcements on the World Tuberculosis Day Promotion Campaign this year.

1. Carefully organized and coordinated deployment of publicity work

Comprehensively analyze the characteristics of local tuberculosis epidemic situation, carefully sort out the status of prevention and treatment work, take the World Tuberculosis Day as an opportunity, take the initiative to report to local party committees and governments, strive for support, clear priorities, and coordinate the promotion of tuberculosis prevention and control. Around the World Tuberculosis Day, it is necessary to organize a centralized publicity campaign around the theme of propaganda, combined with local realities, to enhance the influence, raise public awareness of the dangers of tuberculosis, and create a good atmosphere for the common concern and active participation of the whole society.

2. Combine points and face, comprehensively carry out publicity activities

Health administrative departments at all levels should cooperate with relevant departments to carry out targeted publicity activities to guide the public to establish the awareness of individuals as the first person responsible for health, to develop good health habits such as ventilation, spitting, and coughing and expectorated sputum. If you have suspected symptoms of tuberculosis for more than two weeks, you should wear a mask and see a doctor promptly. We will mobilize all sectors of the society to actively participate in the promotion of knowledge dissemination activities for TB prevention and control among 100 million volunteers.

The provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) with conditions can carry out the illuminating action of TB prevention and control cities. Disease prevention and control institutions, designated medical institutions and primary health care institutions should give full play to their professional advantages, promote protection policies to tuberculosis patients, and encourage patients to adhere to the standard treatment. Going deep into the school to carry out health education and launch the action of “suppressing tuberculosis and healthy campus”. For key populations such as the floating population and the elderly, we will carry out publicity and education activities such as “into the enterprise and into the community”



疾病预防控制局 www.nhc.gov.cn 2019-03-06 来源:







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20190306A 2019年世界結核デー宣伝活動に関する通知(国家CDC)






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