
COVID-19: 広東で輸入症例3人: 英仏比から : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19: 広東で輸入症例3人: 英仏比から : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2020年 03月17日 14:17 『 COVID-19: 広東で輸入症例3人: 英仏比から 

COVID-19: 広東で輸入症例3人: 英仏比から

中国新闻网 www.chinanews.com 2020-03-17 14:17 来源: 中国新闻网

(新型コロナウィルス肺炎を攻撃せよ) 広東省は海外からの輸入症例3例が新増 英仏比から

中新社 広州 3月17日電 (蔡 敏婕)
広東省衛生健康委員会は17日、 全省で16日に新増した確診患者は3例出たが、これは広州市が報告した国外からの輸入症例(イギリス、フランス、フィリピンから各1例)であると発表した。

患者①: フランス国籍の64歳男性 番禺区鐘村街に居住。1月中旬に、患者は単身フランス( パリ)に行き、3月12日にパリを出発し、ルフトハンザ航空LH1041、LH796便で3月13日16時20分に香港に到着した。同日、タクシーで深圳湾港にゆき、深圳疾病管理部門が指定隔離地点に搬送された。


Guangdong has three new cases imported from Britain, France and the Philippines

China News Network www.chinanews.com 2020-03-17 14:17 Source: China News Network

(Fighting against Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia) 3 new imported cases in Guangdong were from Britain, France and the Philippines

China News Agency, Guangzhou, March 17, 2020: by Cai Minjie

The Guangdong Provincial Health Commission announced on March 17 that there were 3 newly diagnosed cases in the province, Guangzhou reported 3 imported cases from abroad (1 each for the UK, France, and the Philippines) within March 16. The Guangdong Provincial Health Commission has notified the Hong Kong health department of the relevant situation.

Case 1: Male, 64 years old, French national, resident in Zhongcun Street, Panyu District. The patient went to Paris, France in mid-January, left Paris on March 12 and took Lufthansa LH1041 / LH796, and entered Hong Kong, China at 16:20 on March 13. The same day, he went to Shenzhen Bay Port and was sent to the designated isolation point by the Shenzhen CDC.
At 20 o’clock on March 14, the special car sent him from Shenzhen to the designated isolation point in Guangzhou. No fever and respiratory symptoms appeared. In the early morning of the 15th, the special car sent him to his house in Panyu for isolation. The throat swab collected by the disease control department was found to be positive for the novel coronavirus nucleic acid. On the afternoon of the 15th, the disease control department collected and tested again. The result was still positive. The patient was then transferred from the quarantine station to Guangzhou Eighth People’s


广东新增3例境外输入病例 来自 英、法、菲律宾

中国新闻网 www.chinanews.com 2020-03-17 14:17 来源: 中国新闻网

(抗击新冠肺炎)广东新增3例境外输入病例 来自英、法、菲律宾

中新社广州3月17日电 (蔡敏婕)广东省卫生健康委员会17日称,16日当天全省新增确诊病例3例,为广州报告3例境外输入病例(英国、法国、菲律宾输入各1例),广东省卫生健康委员会已将相关情况通报香港卫生部门。


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20200317F COVID-19: 広東で輸入症例3人: 英仏比から(中新網)


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