
COVID-19 莆田で計129例確診 4割以上は12歳以下 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19 莆田で3学生3家長陽性に 二人は兄弟 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 09月11日 08:11 『 COVID-19 莆田で3学生3家長陽性に 二人は兄弟 

COVID-19 莆田で3学生3家長陽性に 二人は兄弟

证券时报网 news.stcn.com 2021-09-16 12:52 来源: 证券时报

宮本注: 前半の6パラグラフは衛生健康委員会の発表と同じであり割愛。訳文が必要であればhttps://wp.me/p66EIr-6r5をご覧ください

雲南省 昨日新たに本土確診症例1例を発表

雲南省衛生健康委情報によれば、9月15日0時から24時の間に、同省では海外からの輸入確診症例22例、無症状感染者4例が新たに増えた。本土の確診症例1例が新たに増えた。 確診症例のうち14例が治癒退院、無症状感染者2例が隔離医学観察を解除された。


福建省衛生健康委は、9月15日0時から24時の間に、同省では48例の本土確診症例(厦門市8例、泉州市2例、莆田市38例)が報告されたが、うち、無症状感染者9例が確診症例に転じた; 新たに報告されたほど無症状感染者はゼロだったとそのサイト上で発表。

9月10日以来、福建省では本土確診症例200例が報告されているが、現時点で200例は入院中(厦門市53例、泉州市18例、莆田市129例)、死亡者はゼロ; 集中隔離医学観察中の現有本土無症状感染者は4例(厦門市1例、莆田市3例)となっている。


本日(9月16日)、福建省莆田市がコロナ予防管理に関する記者会見を開催、現地の最新状況を紹介。 現時点で129例の本土確診症例中、14歳以下の患者が58人を占めているが(うち12歳以下は57人)、 国家流行予防管理規定に基づけば、患者は治療期間中に家族の看護はできないが、もし大人と子供のいず


Flash! Putian reported a total of 129 local confirmed cases, of which more than 40% are children under 12 years old

Securities Times Network news.stcn.com 2021-09-16 12:52 Source: Securities Times Network

Miyamoto’s note: The first 6 paragraphs are same as the National Health Commissions’ announcement. If English is needed, please refer to https://wp.me/p66EIr-6r5

1 new local confirmed case in Yunnan yesterday

According to the Yunnan Provincial Health Commission, from 0:00 to 24:00 on September 15, 22 newly imported cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia and 4 cases of asymptomatic infection were newly imported in Yunnan Province. One new local confirmed case was added. 14 confirmed cases were cured and discharged, and 2 cases of asymptomatic infection were released from isolation for medical observation.

A total of 200 local confirmed cases have been reported in Fujian Province

The Fujian Health Commission reported on the website: From 0 to 24:00 on September 15th, Fujian Province reported 48 newly confirmed cases (8 cases in Xiamen City, 2 cases in Quanzhou City, and 38 cases in Putian City). Among them, 9 cases of asymptomatic infection were transferred to the diagnosis; 0 new cases of local asymptomatic infection were reported.

Since September 10, Fujian Province has reported a total of 200 local confirmed cases, and currently 200 hospitalized cases (53 cases in Xiamen City, 18 cases in Quanzhou City, and 129 cases in Putian City), with no deaths; At present, 4 cases of asymptomatic infections in the country are still undergoing centralized isolation and medical observation (1 case in Xiamen City, 3 cases in Putian City).

More than 40% of confirmed cases in Putian, Fujian are children under 12 years old

Today (September 16), Putian City, Fujian Province held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control to introduce the latest situation of local epidemic prevention and control. Of the 129 local confirmed cases, 58 people are



证券时报网 news.stcn.com 2021-09-16 12:52 来源: 证券时报

宫本注:前6段与国家卫健委公告相同。 如果需要英文请参考 https://wp.me/p66EIr-6r5









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20210916G COVID-19 莆田で計129例確診 4割以上は12歳以下(証券時報網)


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