
寧波市でH7N9患者2名増 既に累計11人 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

寧波市でH7N9患者2名増 既に累計11人 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2014年 1月25日 21:47 『 寧波市でH7N9患者2名増 既に累計11人

2014年 1月25日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on January 25, 2014)H7N9Image

央広網(中国のラジオ放送局)寧波1月25日報道 (記者 曹美麗) 寧波市市衛生局の通報によれば、1月24日に寧波市で新たに2名のヒト感染H7N9患者が確診され、これまでに累計11名が感染患者として報告された。(宮本注: これは寧波市の発表であり、浙江省寧波市だけを見ている故に『20140125A 中国:H7N9鳥インフルエンザ 浙江省で3名』の2番目と3番目の患者についての発表になっています。この報道中には、患者の職業を『無職』と記していますが、残念ながら省衛生計生委の発表でも職業を無職ではなく「農民」と書いているので、患者・死亡者リストにおいてはそちらを採用します。但し、発症日とその症状、職業等が省当局より詳しいので敢えて翻訳しています

患者1 (FT#240)は、
浙江省寧波海曙区在住の、羅*さん 60歳女性「無職(農民の筈)」

患者2 (FT#241)は、
浙江省湖寧波慈渓市在住の農民、姚**さん 48歳女性「無職(農民の筈)」

Ningbo City added 2 cases of human infection with H7N9 avian flu: Accumulated number of cases has been 11

China National Radio china.cnr.cn 2014-01-25 21:47 Source: China National Radio

China National Radio Network, January 25, Ningbo News (Reporter: Cao Meili)
Ningbo Municipal Health Bureau informed that on January 24, two newly diagnosed cases of H7N9 avian flu were diagnosed in Ningbo City. Up to now, totally 11 cases of H7N9 avian flu have been reported in the city.

(Miyamoto’s Note: This article is reported by Ningbo city. Since they are just looking for the cases of the city, it is explaining the second and the third cases written in “20140125A China: Three additional cases of human H7N9 avian flu in Zhejiang province”. In this article, their occupation is written as “Disemployed”, however, since the announcement of the provincial HFPC was clearly says “Farmer”, we use this on the listings of the cases and deaths. Of course, this description is more detailed, we dared to translated it as below.)

The patient 1 (FT#240) is:
Name: Chen XX
Gender: Female
Age: 66 years old
Occupation: disemployed (Farmer seems to be correct)
Registered Domicile: Haishu district of Ningbo city in Zhejiang province
Current Domicile: Haishu district of Ningbo city in Zhejiang province
Date of Diagnosis: January 22, 2014, diagnosed as H7N9 avian flu case
Current Situation: Receiving treatments in a certain hospital in Ningbo city, now in critical
Date of Onset: January 19, 2014, started with fever, cough, sputum and so on
Date of Hospital Consultation: She has visited to the local community health service centers and urban general hospital for treatment,
Date of Admission: January 23, 2014, admitted to the hospital due to “severe pneumonia”

Date of Detection: January 24, 2014 (20:00), the patient’s specimens were tested positive for H7N9 virus nucleic acid, and the case belongs to a severe one
Exposure to the birds: After a preliminary investigation, she has no obvious history of bird exposure
Close Contacts: 6 persons are now under medical observation; no one has shown any abnormality

The patient 2 (FT#241) is:
Name: Yao X
Gender: Female
Age: 48 years old
Occupation: disemployed (Farmer seems to be correct)

宁波市新增2例人感染H7N9禽流感 已累计报告11例

中国广播网 china.cnr.cn 2014-01-25 21:47 来源: 中国广播网


患者 (FT#240) :

患者 (FT#241) :
【翻訳詳細全文は 以下からどうぞ Please visit followings for further detail】

20140125C 寧波市でH7N9患者2名増 既に累計11人(央広網)


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