【武漢肺炎】深圳上海で最低3人の疑似患者発見 :南華早報 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2020年 01月18日 19:07『 【武漢肺炎】深圳上海で最低3人の疑似患者発見 :南華早報 』
【武漢肺炎】深圳上海で最低3人の疑似患者発見 :南華早報
香港01 www.hk01.com 2020-01-18 19:07 最後更新日期:2020-01-18 20:26
武漢で2019年末から原因不明の肺炎がアウトブレイクし、香港メディアは1月18日に事情通を引用して、武漢以外の中国内の都市で、少なくとも深圳で2人、上海で1人の3人の新型コロナウィルスへの感染が疑われる患者が見つかった。 (これに対し)衛生防護センターは、これまで国家衛生健康委員会から関連情報は得ていないとしている。
報道は、患者たちは 新型コロナウィルス患者の症状と相似していることや最近武漢への渡航歴があったこと、或いは既に知られている患者との濃厚接触があったことから 「疑い例」に分類されるべきだ、という医学専門家の言葉を引用している。
衛生署衛生防護センター(宮本注:以下「CHP」)は、『香港01』のインタビューに対し、これまで国家衛生健康委員会から関連の通報は受けていないと回答した。 同センターは、国家衛生健康委員会及びWHOと連携を保ち、関連情報を密接にモニタリングしている。
[Wuhan Pneumonia] Shenzhen and Shanghai found at least 3 suspected cases: “South China Morning Post”
Hong Kong 01 www.hk01.com 2020-01-18 19:07 Last updated: 2020-01-18 20:26
Unknown pneumonia has broken out in Wuhan since the end of 2019. Hong Kong media quoted people familiar with the matter on January 18 that at least three suspected cases of new coronavirus infection were found in Chinese cities outside Wuhan, two of them are in Shenzhen and one is in Shanghai.
The Center for Health Protection pointed out that they have not received relevant notification from the National Health Commission, so far.
The South China Morning Post quoted three different sources as saying that at least two (2) suspected cases were being isolated at Shenzhen Third People’s Hospital and one (1) was under observation in Shanghai, but some government departments declined to comment on the news.
The report quoted medical experts as saying that these three are to be classified as a suspicious case, the patient’s symptoms must be similar to those of patients with the new coronavirus, or having recently visited Wuhan, or having close contact with diagnosed patients.
In response to the inquiry of “Hong Kong 01”, the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health stated that no relevant notification from the National Health Commission has been received so far. The center will continue to maintain contact with the National Health Commission and the World Health Organization to closely monitor the situation.
On the same day, the Center for Health Protection announced received a report from the National Health Commission, as of January 16, Wuhan City added 4 more patients of new pneumonia infected with new coronavirus, consisting of 4 male patients, of which onset date is in between January 5 and 8 this year, they are currently in stable condition. The
香港01 www.hk01.com 2020-01-18 19:07 最後更新日期:2020-01-18 20:26
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