手足口病の正体を知り予防接種を知ろう : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2017年 07月03日 『 手足口病の正体を知り予防接種を知ろう 』
中国数字科技馆 www.cdstm.cn 2017-07-03 18:18:00 来源: 中国数字科技馆
手足口病はこれまでずっと赤ちゃんと母親の悪魔とされている。 絶え間ない高熱に加えヘルペスによる口腔内の疼痛により赤ちゃんが眠れず食べられぬようにし、泣き声も止まらず、同時に母親たちもまた連日の徹夜で眠れず悩まされることになる。 とはいえ、我々が当面するのは一般的な手足口病のタイプであって、もし重症タイプのものなら、家族全体が赤ちゃんの治療に心取り乱されることになる…
我々は、手足口病が新発の感染症ではなく、我が国では既に50年以上前から流行しており、20世紀の80年代から始まり、手足口病関連の報道が徐々に増え始めたが、その当時は、多くの症状は比較的軽微であったので 人々の注意を喚起するようなものではなかった。
2004年には、手足口病が我が国の『伝染病予防治療法』中の法定伝染病(宮本注: 伝染病は動物、感染症は人間として区分している日本とは異なり、中国ではに伝染病と感染症を同義語で使い続けています)の管理から除外されてしまうことになったのだった。 では、何故最近になって人々が手足口病に関心を寄せることになったのか? これは、主に2008年から始まったものなのだ。 2008年、安徽省阜陽市で大規模な手足口病の集団発生が発生したが、この時の手足口病は、原因不明の肺炎死亡患者を起点としており、冬至の患者児童の臨床症状の大部分が重症肺炎であると同時に典型的な発疹症状もなく、僅か1例にのみ疱疹が見られた。 ただ、その後の症状の進展が非常に早く、入院後数時間から2日以内で死亡してしまう患者も出ていた。
では、人々はなぜこのようなウィルスを恐れたのか? 中国疾病予防管理センター (以下 “中国CDC”)の専門家及び臨床医による鑑定により、エンテロウィルス71型(EV71型)が今回の大規模な手
Recognize the “true face” of hand, foot and mouth disease, clearly understand the vaccination
China Digital Science and Technology Museum www.cdstm.cn 2017-07-03 18:18:00 Source: China Digital Science and Technology Museum
The hand-foot-mouth disease has always been a nightmare for babies and mothers. The continuous high fever and the sore herpes in the mouth make the baby difficult in eating and sleepless, continuous crying, further tormenting their mothers sleepless for a few days. Even so, HFMD which we are encountering is the most common type of hand. If encounter a serious type of illness, it will make the whole family enter the rescue their babies in a disoriented state…
What caused the massive outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease in Fuyang City, Anhui Province in 2008?
We know that hand, foot and mouth disease is not a new infectious disease. It has been popular in China for more than 50 years. Since the 1980s, reports on hand, foot and mouth disease have gradually increased, but since most of the symptoms were mild and did not attract people’s attention at that time. Even in 2004, hand, foot and mouth disease has not been included in the management of legal infectious diseases in China’s Law on the “Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases”. If so, why have people been very concerned about hand, foot and mouth disease in recent years? This is mainly from 2008.
In 2008, a large-scale outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease occurred at Fuyang City in Anhui Province, the epidemic at this time began with an unexplained death from pneumonia, the clinical manifestations of the children, at that time, were mostly severe pneumonia, and there was no typical rash except for one case had developed herpes. However, the progress of the disease was so rapid, and some children died within a few hours to two days after admission to the hospital.
So, what made people so scared of such a virus? After being identified by experts and clinicians of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it was found that enterovirus 71 (Miyamoto’s note: hereinafter referred to as “EV71”) was the cause of this large-scale hand, foot and mouth disease. It can infect the heart and lung system of children, causing heart and lung failure leading to death. At that time, hand, foot and mouth disease, which was mainly caused by EV71, spread rapidly in Fuyang. More than 6,000 children were infected with hand, foot and mouth disease, with 353 severe infection and 22 death. Since then, the outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease
中国数字科技馆 www.cdstm.cn 2017-07-03 18:18:00 来源: 中国数字科技馆
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