
中国:湖南省常徳の農貿市場でH7N9ウィルス発見 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

中国:湖南省常徳の農貿市場でH7N9ウィルス発見 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2014年3月16日 10:36 『 中国:湖南省常徳の農貿市場でH7N9ウィルス発見H7N9Image
2014年 3月16日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on March 16, 2014)
常徳市疾病管理センターは、武陵区美江市の活禽交易市場で、一つの経営店の環境サンプルからH7N9鳥インフルエンザウィルスの陽性反応を検出、同日、湖南省疾病管理センターにこのサンプルを再検査のため送付した。 これまで、常徳市ではヒト感染H7N9鳥インフルエンザ患者は見つかっていない。
武陵区は、美江市場における活禽の殺処分と無害化処理を連夜実施し、農貿市場の消毒処理、活禽類区画に警戒線を引き、3日間の市場閉鎖を実施。 衛生部門は、陽性サンプルに濃厚接触があったものに対する医学観察を実施。
China: H7N9 virus found in a farmer’s market in Wuling District, Changde
Global Influenza Information Network www.flu.org.cn 2014-03-16 10:36 Source: Changde Daily
Meat Food Network www.meat360.cn 2014-03-16 22:21:47 Source:

On March 14, the CDC of Changde City (Miyamoto’s note: Changde City is located in Hunan Province), detected positive specimens of H7N9 avian influenza virus in a storefront environment at the live-bird trade stall of the Meijiang City market in Wuling District, and reported it to the Hunan CDC for inspection on the same day. At present, no people has been found infected with H7N9 avian flu.

After receiving the report of the situation, Deputy Mayor Chen Hua convened the relevant departments to study and respond to it overnight and decided: Two levels of urban Health, Animal Husbandry and other departments intensify their inspection, monitoring and tracing investigations. Public security, Commerce, Industry and commerce, Animal Husbandry and other departments jointly conduct joint-rectification and supervision works of the health in the city’s urban farmers’ markets.

In the Wuling District, all the live birds of the Meijiang Market were culled and detoxified overnight, the farmers’ market was disinfected, the cordon area was set aside and the market was closed for 3 days. The health department conducted medical observations on persons who had close contact with positive specimens.

The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government all along have attached great importance to the prevention and control of human avian flu and various departments at all levels have performed their duties and
中国: 常德武陵区一农贸市场发现H7N9
全球流感资讯网 www.flu.org.cn 2014-03-16 10:36 来源: 常德日报
肉类食品网 www.meat360.cn 2014-03-16 22:21:47 来源:

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20140316C 中国:湖南省常徳の農貿市場でH7N9ウィルス発見(肉類食品網)


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