
環境サンプルからH7ウィルス検出後に採った政府措 置 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

環境サンプルからH7ウィルス検出後に採った政府措 置 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2014年03月16日 10:06 『 環境サンプルからH7ウィルス検出後に採った政府措 置H7N9Image
2014年 3月16日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on March 16, 2014)
民政総署が、営地市街の第19号屋台及び下環街の第74号屋台で3月12日に採取した環境サンプル中H7型の鳥インフルエンザウィルスが検出された件では、衛生局の疫学的調査と評価の後に5人の人士が濃厚接触者とされ、現在仁伯爵総合病院(山頂病院)で強制隔離をしており、これまでのところ、兆候は一切見られず、第一回目のA型H7N9検査結果は陰性であった。 強制隔離された人士たちは、情緒不安になり、反抗した為に、衛生局が警察の協力を求めることになったが、現在は比較的平常に戻り、衛生局が彼らに必要な支援をしている。

China: IACM and Health Bureau take measures to follow up with environmental samples positive for H7 avian flu virus

Global Influenza Information Network www.flu.org.cn 2014-03-14 11:19 Source: The Macau Government News Website
The Macau Government News Website www.foodsafety.gov.mo 2014-03-14 Source: The Macau Government News Website

The H7 avian influenza virus was detected in the environmental samples of the March 12th chicken stalls at the Chicken Market stall at Market No. 19 and No. 74 at Sheung Wan Market respectively by the IACM. After the epidemiological investigation and assessment conducted by the Health Bureau, 5 persons were defined as close contacts and are now being subjected to forced isolation at the Jenkyat General Hospital. No symptoms have been presented. The first testing result was negative for H7N9. When the persons subject to compulsory segregation notice that they need to be isolated and emotionally agitated, the Health Bureau must summon the police to assist them. At present, their emotions are relatively calm, and the Health Bureau will provide them with all necessary assistance.

According to Article 14, Paragraph 1 (3) of the Law on Infectious Diseases, health authorities may take compulsory quarantine measures against people who are infected or suspected of contracting infectious diseases or who are at risk of being infected by infectious diseases; According to Article 30 of the Law on Infectious Diseases, persons who fail to comply with this measure may be sentenced to a maximum of one year’s imprisonment, or up to a maximum of 120 days’ fine.

At the same time, the Health Bureau has held this morning seminars and assessed risks for chicken stall workers in various markets. Based on the assessment results, they followed up on their health status. A total of 113 people attended the seminar and all the people were in good health. In addition, 

中国: 澳门民政总署和卫生局采取措施跟进环境样本检验出H7型禽流感病毒一事

全球流感资讯网 www.flu.org.cn 2014-03-16 10:06 来源: 澳门政府新闻网
澳门政府新闻网 www.gcs.gov.mo 2014-03-16 10:06 来源:

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20140316B 環境サンプルからH7ウィルス検出後に採った政府措置(マカオ新聞局)


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