
台湾へのデング熱本土症例0輸入症例6 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

台湾へのデング熱本土症例0輸入症例6 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2024年 05月21日 『 台湾へのデング熱本土症例0輸入症例6

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-05-21 來源:疾病管制署デング熱

疾病管制署(以下、疾管署)は本日(5月21日)、「先週(5月14日~5月20日)、国内では新たな本土症例は出ず、今年(2024年)は5月20日時点で、デング熱の本土確診症例は計164例となっているが、これは昨年の流行の延長であり、高雄市では計135例、台南市で19例、屏東県9例および嘉義県1例の感染者が発生しており、計2例の重症者が発生している; さらに新規の輸入症例はインドネシアとシンガポール(各2例)、モルディブ及びマレーシア(各1例)で6例だったが、今年の輸入症例は合計86例で、2020年~2023年の同時期(2~52例)よりも多くなっている。感染地は東南アジア諸国が主で、インドネシアの41例が最多、これにマレーシア17例、モルディブ9例が続いており、海外からの輸入リスクは依然として存在し、現地に渡航する際は蚊対策を講じ、帰国後にデング熱の疑い症状が出た場合、早急に医療機関の受診をと呼び掛けている」と発表した。



The international dengue fever epidemic continues, and the domestic rainy season is approaching. The public is reminded to strengthen the removal of breeding sources, implement anti-mosquito measures, and seek medical treatment as soon as possible if you have suspected symptoms

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-05-21 Source: Disease Control Department

The Department of Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) stated today (May 21) that there were no new local cases in Taiwan last week (5/14-5/20), and there have been a total of 164 confirmed local cases of dengue fever as of May 20 this year (2024). This is a continuation of the epidemic last year, with a total of 135 cases in Kaohsiung City, 19 in Tainan City, 9 in Pingtung County and 1 in Chiayi County, and a total of 2 severe cases; There were another 6 newly imported cases. The infected countries were Indonesia and Singapore (2 cases each), Maldives and Malaysia (1 case each). There are a total of 86 imported cases this year, which is higher than the same period from 2020 to 2023 (ranging from 2 to 52 cases). The infection places are mainly in Southeast Asian countries, with Indonesia having the most cases with 41 cases, followed by Malaysia with 17 cases and the Maldives with 9 cases, the risk of overseas immigration continues, and the public is urged to implement anti-mosquito measures when traveling to the local area. If you develop suspected symptoms of dengue fever after returning home, please seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

According to the CDC, since the incubation period of dengue fever is 3 to 14 days, Taiwanese people who are



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-05-21 來源: 疾病管制署



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