
広東省のH3N8鳥インフル世界初の死亡例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

広東省のH3N8鳥インフル世界初の死亡例: 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2023年 04月13日 07:28 『 広東省のH3N8鳥インフル世界初の死亡例 


留园网 news.6park.com 2023-04-13 07:28 来源: 镜报

4月11日、世界保健機構(WHO)は、中国がH3N8鳥インフルエンザウイルスに感染後に死亡した事例についてWHOに報告したとの通知を発表した。 これは、人類がウイルス株に感染死した初の症例となる。



患者情報のまとめ: (赤文字は今回情報、青文字は3月26日の広東省CDC情報です)
性別: 女性
年齢: 56歳
居住地: 広東省中山市
活禽への暴露: 有り (自宅周辺に野鳥の活動歴あり)
発症日: 2月22日
入院日: 3月3日
死亡日: 3月16日。


WHO report: The world’s first death from H3N8 virus infection occurred in Guangdong

Lingering Garden news.6park.com 2023-04-13 07:28 Source:

On April 11, the World Health Organization issued a notice on its official website saying that China had notified the WHO of a case of human death after infection with the H3N8 avian influenza virus. This is the first known death of a human infected with this strain.

On March 27, the National Health Commission of China notified WHO of a confirmed human case of H3N8 avian influenza virus infection. The patient was a 56-year-old female from Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, who became ill on February 22. She was hospitalized with severe pneumonia on March 3 and died on March 16.

The case had multiple underlying diseases. She had contact with live poultry before becoming ill, and had a history

Abstract of the case: (Red characters are today’s info, blue characters show the info of Guangdong CDC on Mar. 26)
Sex: Female
Age: 56
Living Place: Zhongshan City of Guangdong
Contact with Birds: Yes (a history of wild poultry activities near her residence)
Date of Onset: Feb. 22
Date of Admission: Mar. 3
Date of Death: Mar. 16



留园网 news.6park.com 2023-04-13 07:28 来源:



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