
広東省既に夏のインフルエンザピーク期に! 専門家が回答 : 日中医療衛生情報研

広東省既に夏のインフルエンザピーク期に! 専門家が回答 : 日中医療衛生情報研

2022年 06月23日 18:34 『 広東省既に夏のインフルエンザピーク期に! 専門家が回答 』

南方网 st.southcn.com 2022-06-23 18:34 来源:南方网

南方網訊 (記者/廖晨星 通信員/粤疾控)

インフルエンザウイルスは、すべての人にとって感染しやすいものだが、65歳以上の人、5歳未満の子供、基礎疾患(慢性呼吸器系疾患、単純高血圧以外の心血管系疾患、腎臓病、肝臓病など)のある人、肥満人口(肥満指数> 30)および妊婦は、感染後に重症化するリスクが高い。インフルエンザワクチンを接種す


Guangdong has entered the peak of summer flu! The authoritative answer to flu knowledge is here!

Southern Network st.southcn.com 2022-06-23 18:34 Source: Southern Network

Southern Net News (Reporter/Liao Chenxing Correspondent/Guangdong CDC)
Sudden high fever? Fatigue? Cough sore throat? Be careful! Maybe you’re “targeted” by the flu. In Guangdong, influenza can be divided into two peaks in winter and summer, and Guangdong is currently at the peak of the epidemic in summer. Kang Min, director of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Institute of the Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, answered several hot questions about influenza in detail.

Which group of people is more likely to get the flu?
Though influenza viruses are susceptible to all populations, the elderly over 65 years old, children under 5 years old, people with underlying diseases (chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular system diseases other than simple hypertension, kidney disease, liver disease, etc.), obese people (body mass index > 30) and pregnant women are in



南方网 st.southcn.com 2022-06-23 18:34 来源:南方网

南方网讯(记者/廖晨星 通讯员/粤疾控)


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