
中国:H7N9 遵義市湄潭県で浙江帰り農民工に疑い : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

中国:H7N9 遵義市湄潭県で浙江帰り農民工に疑い : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2014年01月14日 17:32 『 中国:H7N9 遵義市湄潭県で浙江帰り農民工に疑い

2014年 1月14日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on January 14, 2014)H7N9Image


1月4日、11時30分に湄潭に到着。 湄潭到着後、まず湄潭県の家礼医院や湄潭県人民医院にかかり、


China: Meitan County of Zunyi City found a migrant worker case working at Zhejiang province as a suspected case of H7N9 avian influenza

Global Influenza Information Network kickingbird www.flu.org.cn 2014-01-14 17:32 Source: Guizhou Province Health Emergency Office

January 11, 2014 at 2:20 pm, the provincial CDC, according to laboratory tests, found that a Meitan county’s migrant worker who has worked in Zhejiang is suspected to be a case of H7N9 avian influenza.

The patient 1 (FT#178) is:
Name: Sheng Shuqi
Gender: Male
Age: 38 years old
Registered Domicile: #010 Civil Construction village coop group, Huangjiaba town of Meitan county
Current Domicile: Dadian seamless steel pipe factory of Ruian city in Zhejiang province
Occupation: factory worker

Patient, 1 month ago, started with cough, sputum, paroxysmal dry cough, there is even white phlegm; after the local hospital’s drug treatment he repeated the symptoms. On January 2, 2014 cough, sputum symptoms get worsen, accompanied with dizziness, fatigue, discomfort, obvious difficulty in breathing after the activities, however, did not get any further treatment. Returned home from Zhejiang on January 3. Arrived at Meitan on November 4 at 11:30 pm. After returning to Meitan, he went to Meitan County’s Jiali Hospital and Meitan County People’s Hospital for treatment, since situation has been exacerbated on January 8, he was transferred to Zunyi City First People’s Hospital. He died at 9:10 on January 9.

January 10, 2014 at 9 am, Zunyi City CDC received a telephone report from Huichuan District CDC a case of severe pneumonia death in the Zunyi First People’s Hospital. Through the testing, their initial judgment was: a suspected case of Human infection with H7N9 avian influenza, and the hospital reported to the provincial center CDC at 16:30 on January 10, 2014. At 11:14 on January 11, the provincial CDC tested the specimens sent by Zunyi

中国:遵义市湄潭县发现一例从浙江返乡的农民工 感染H7N9禽流感疑似病例

全球流感资讯网 www.flu.org.cn 2014-01-14 17:32 来源: 贵州省卫生应急办公室

患者 (FT#178): 盛书七,男,38岁,家住湄潭县黄家坝镇民建村合作组010号,之前一直在浙江瑞安市大店下无缝钢管厂打工。患者1个月前出现咳嗽、咳痰,呈阵发性干咳,偶伴白色粘痰,于当地医院药物治疗后反复发作。2014年1月2日咳嗽、咳痰症状加重,伴头昏、乏力、恶心不适,活动后有明显呼吸困难,未作进一步治疗。1月3日从浙江返乡。1月4日11时30分抵达湄潭。回到湄潭后先后到湄潭县家礼医院、湄潭县人民医院诊治,1月8日病情加重转遵义市第一人民医院,1月9日18时10分抢救无效死亡。
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20140114B 中国:H7N9 遵義市湄潭県で浙江帰り農民工に疑い(FIC)


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