
H7N9鳥インフル 浙江で新たに3名見つかり全国91名に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

H7N9鳥インフル 浙江で新たに3名見つかり全国91名に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2013年04月19日 18:30 『 H7N9鳥インフル 浙江で新たに3名見つかり全国91名に

2013年 4月19日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on Apr. 19, 2013)H7N9Image

浙江省衛生庁4月19日発表によると、4月19日15:00時点で、同省で新たに3名のヒト感染インフルエンザ患者が出たとのことだ。 これまでに、浙江省では感染者が30名見つかっているが、うち2名は治療の甲斐なく死亡、1名は既に退院している。

Zhejiang Province newly added 3 cases of H7N9 avian influenza: 91 cases in China
China Economic Net www.ce.cn 2013-04-19 18:30 Source: CNR China National Radio

China National Radio April 19 news:
According to the announcement of Zhejiang Provincial Health Department on April 19, as of April 19 at 15:00, Zhejiang Province has newly added 3 cases of H7N9 avian influenza.
Up to now, Zhejiang province found a total of 30 cases of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza; of which 2 cases have died, 1 case has been cured and discharged.
Among the 27 hospitalized cases, there are 14 critically ill cases, 5 severe cases, 8 mild, the hospital is actively treating the cases.

As of 18 o’clock today (April 19, 2013), Zhejiang added 3 cases of human infection H7N9 cases, that is, the state has confirmed 91 cases, 17 death cases in China.

Followings are from the picture announced by the Zhejiang provincial Health Department attached to this article

The case 1 (FT#90) is:

Name: Ding X
Age: 43 years old,
Sex: Male,
Current Domicile: Hangzhou city

Occupation: Unemployed,
Date of Onset: April 12, 2013
Current Situation: admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou. Currently seriously ill.
Date of Diagnosis: April 19, 2013, Diagnosed by the provincial expert clinic group after their discussion on the three cases’ clinical manifestations, epidemiological data and laboratory test results, since the provincial

The case 2 (FT#91) is:
Name: Shu X
Age: 48 years old,
Sex: Male,
Current Domicile: Hangzhou

Occupation: Company clerk,
Date of Onset: April 11, 2013
Current Situation: admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou. Currently seriously ill.
Date of Diagnosis: April 19, 2013, Diagnosed by the provincial expert clinic group after their discussion on the three cases’ clinical manifestations, epidemiological data and laboratory test results, since the provincial


The case 1 (FT#92) is:
Name: Xu X
Age: 66 years old,
Sex: Female,
Current Domicile: Huzhou city

Occupation: Farmer,
Date of Onset: April 10, 2013
Current Situation: admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou. Currently seriously ill.
Date of Diagnosis: April 19, 2013, Diagnosed by the provincial expert clinic group after their discussion on the three cases’ clinical manifestations, epidemiological data and laboratory test results, since the provincial
浙江新增3例人感染H7N9禽流感病例 全国确诊91例
中国经济网 www.ce.cn 2013-04-19 18:30 来源:中国广播网


20130419G H7N9鳥インフル 浙江で新たに3名見つかり全国91名に


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