
H7N9:浙江省8日新たに1名を確診 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

H7N9:浙江省8日新たに1名を確診 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2014年 01月10日 09:15  『 H7N9:浙江省8日新たに1名を確診

2014年 1月10日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on January 10, 2014)H7N9Image

昨日 (01月09日)、浙江省衛生計生委は、浙江省で新たにH7N9鳥インフルエンザ患者1名を確診したと発表した。
患者 (FT#158)は、浙江省桐郷 (宮本注: 桐郷市は嘉興市に位置する県級市)の51歳女性、沈**さん。

また、2013年下半期にH7N9鳥インフルエンザに感染した紹興の男性患者劉さん(FT#137:2013年10月発症・確診という点から特定可能と推量)は、89日間にわたる闘病と、医療スタッフによる全力を挙げての治療により、危機を脱出した。 彼は、一昨日、既に一般病棟に
Zhejiang Province Added a Case of H7N9 Avian Influenza
ChinaNews Net www.chinanews.com 2014-01-10 09:15 Source: Qianjiang Evening News

Yesterday, Zhejiang Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission (HFPC) informed that the province added a newly diagnosed case of human infection H7N9 avian influenza on January 8, 2014.

Patient (FT#158) is;
Name: Shen XX
Gender: Female
Age: 51 years old
Registered Domicile: Tongxiang city of Jiaxing city in Zhejiang province
Date of Diagnosis: Diagnosed as H7N9 avian influenza on January 8, 2014
Current Situation: Critically ill, admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou city for treatment.

This is the second case of H7N9 avian influenza diagnosed in the province after the year 2014 started. In this season, the influenza and H7N9 avian influenza viruses become active, as the weather is not so cold, people’s activities, such as dinner, shopping, will increase. Everyone should wear a mask and wash hands frequently when go to the crowded places.
In addition, the reporter learned that Mr. Liu (FT#137: from the date of onset and diagnosis and his surname, this might be the case #137), the case infected in the second half of 2013 managed to get out of the dangerous period after 89 days struggle and medical staffs rescue.

The day before yesterday, the case was transferred to the general ward, which means that his avian flu has been cured, and has been able to walk around, after a short period of rehabilitation, he can be discharged.

Fang Qiang, director of Zhejiang University ICU who has treated the case many times said, this is consistent with 
中新网 www.chinanews.com 2014-01-10 09:15 来源: 钱江晚报

患者(FT#158)沈某某,女,51岁,浙江桐乡人。 1月8日被确诊为人感染H7N9禽流感病例,现属重症,在杭州某医院治疗。
这是2014年开年后,确诊的第二例H7N9禽流感病例。 这段时间,流感、H7N9禽流感等病毒活跃,天气没那么冷,所以很多市民聚餐、购物等活动也比较多,请大家在人多拥挤的场合可以戴个口罩,勤洗手。
另外,记者了解到,2013年下半年感染H7N9禽流感的绍兴患者刘先生,与病魔抗争89天,经过医务人员尽力抢救,度过危险期。 前天已经转入普通病房,这意味着,他的禽流感已经治愈,并且已经能下地行走,只要经过短
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20140110F H7N9:浙江省8日新たに1名を確診(中新網)


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