
仏山初の患者は危篤 病原体と鳥類関係なし : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

仏山初の患者は危篤 病原体と鳥類関係なし : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2014年 01月10日 10:47 『 仏山初の患者は危篤 病原体と鳥類関係なし

2014年 1月10日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on January 10, 2014)H7N9Image

昨日(1月9日)は、仏山本土で初のヒト感染H7N9鳥インフルエンザ患者が確診されて第2日目だった。収容治療している仏山市第一医院による最新診察の結果、当該患者の昨日の病状は、これまでの数日と比べても好転しておらず依然として重態だ。 数日の治療を経て、当該病院の章成国副院長は、当該患者には3年にわたる糖尿病歴があり、且つ肺の一部に重大な疾病があり、同時に患者は発症後もまだ活禽を屠殺していた履歴を持っており、診察に当たった専門家グループは、この患者の発症原因と鳥類との関係はないと認識していると語った


Foshan’s first case of H7N9 is critical: Infection disease irrelevant to birds
ChinaNews Net www.chinanews.com 2014-01-10 10:47 Source: Nanfang Daily

At this stage, even the medical professionals were denying the relation of H7N9 Infection and bird contact.

Yesterday was the second day from the Foshan’s first case of H7N9 infection was diagnosed. According to the Fochan City First Hospital’s consultation results, the patient, yesterday, has no signs of improvement compared to the previous few days ago and is still very serious. After several days of treatment, Zhang Chengguo vice president of the hospital, said that because the case has been having 3 years of diabetes history, and has suspicious lung disease, at the same time, the patient has history of live poultry slaughter during the disease period, the expert group recognize the case’s onset has nothing to do with the birds.

Condition is Serious: Treatment is difficult

Patient 1 (FT#156) is:
Name: Cui X
Gender: Female
Age: 51 years old
Registered Domicile: Jiujiang town of Nanhai district in Foshan city
Date of Diagnosis: January 8, 2014 night
Current Situation: currently in the ICU ward of the hospital for treatment

The patient’s latest diagnosis is: avian influenza (severe type), severe pneumonia, severe sepsis, septic shock, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (respiratory, circulatory, blood, kidney, nerve), viral myocarditis, cardiac decompensation , Type 2 diabetes, hypokalemia, hyponatremia and so on. At present, Zhang Chengguo said that they organized the hospital expert consultation team to make every effort to rescue the patient, but the patient is still in critical, still needs breathing support machine, booster drugs to maintain blood pressure, at any time her life is threatening.

In addition, the Jiujiang Hospital found her lung disease by chest CT examination, which has continuous progress; the Guangzhou Institute of Nursing Professor consultation recognized they cannot rule out the possibility of lung cancer, so, the patient has a poor prognosis and this means it is difficult to treat her. Zhang Chengguo introduced, the patient came to the First City Hospital on January 3 and has taken the Tamiflu, though after increasing the dose of Tamiflu treatment, her condition has no signs of improvement, yesterday, the patient’s lung infection area has

佛山首例人感染H7N9患者病情危急 病源或与禽类无关

中新网 www.chinanews.com 2014-01-10 10:47 来源: 南方日报


病情严重 治疗难度大

由佛山市一医院收治的首例人感染H7N9患者 (FT#156)崔某,女,51岁,南海九江人,在8日晚确诊病情之后,目前仍在该院ICU病房急救。
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20140110E 仏山初の患者は危篤 病原体と鳥類関係なし(中新網)


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