
貧困県の病院400超が『二級甲等』に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

貧困県の病院400超が『二級甲等』に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2019年02月14日 『 貧困県の病院400超が『二級甲等』に 』
貧困県の病院400超が『二級甲等』に ―― 我が国衛生健康に対口支援新時代
宣传司 www.nhc.gov.cn 2019-02-14 来源:


より多くの患者を救え: 『ほぼ空白状態』から『三級甲等病院』の普及を

設備不足や技術後進性、人材不足では、入院して入る患者の数も病気の種類も限られるが、 教育や情報化の建設も空白の状態にある… かつては、新疆カシュガル地区にある第二人民病院の医療スタッフの心のうちにはある意味深い深い無力感が漂っていた。
『既に病院は『三級甲等医院』に昇級しており、心臓の先進的救急技術によってより多くの患者を救えるようになった。』 カシュガル第二人民病院の心臓病ICUの副主任医師マイマイティアイリが目撃した奇跡はこれにとどまらない。 上海の対口支援を受け、カシュガル地区のヤルカンド等四つの県では2017年に妊産婦の死亡率が2012年と比較してほぼ半分に低下、感染症の発症率と嬰児死亡率もまた12.97%、16.22%と低下したのだ。
これは、我が国の衛生健康対口支援活動の成果を凝縮したものに過ぎない。 近年来、国は全力を挙げて貧困県の県級医院三級医院対口支援に取り組んでおり、医療人材の『グループ編成式』展開によるチベットや新疆における活動成果が見えだし: 新疆における上昇患者の救急治療成功率は既に90%に達し; チベットにおいては、現実に自治区からは『大病』332種が出ず、地市からは『中病』1914種類が出ずとい


More than 400 poverty-stricken county hospitals have advanced to “Class-B” – a new chapter in China’s medical and health support

Propaganda Division www.nhc.gov.cn 2019-02-14 Source:

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 14th: More than 400 poverty-stricken county hospitals have advanced to “Class-B” – a new chapter in China’s medical and health support
Xinhua News Agency reporter Tian Xiaohang, Wang Bingyang

963 “3-A class hospitals (top-class hospitals) ” have established “one-on-one” assistance with 1,180 county-level hospitals in 834 poverty-stricken counties, further, sent more than 60,000 medical personnel to participate in the management and diagnosis and treatment of county-level hospitals there. More than 30 million outpatient clinics have been treated.
In recent years, China has focused on deep poverty-stricken areas and weak links in health services to promote health and poverty alleviation, and vigorously carry out medical and health support, so that patients in remote and poor areas can enjoy quality medical services, and medical and health services are fair and accessible.

Rescuing more patients: from “almost blank” to the development of “Three-A class Hospital”

Equipment shortage, backward technology, lack of talents, the number of patients that can be admitted is limited, the number of diseases is limited, teaching and research and information construction are almost blank… Once, a deep sense of powerlessness was enveloped in the minds of medical staff in the Second People’s Hospital in Kashgar, Xinjiang.
“Now the hospital has been upgraded to the ‘three-a’, and advanced cardiac first-aid technology has also saved us more patients.” The miracles what the doctor Mai Maitiaili, Deputy Chief Physician of Kashgar Second Hospital’s Coronary Heart Disease Intensive Care Unit saw is far more than that. With the support of Shanghai counterpart hospital, in 2017, the maternal mortality rate in four counties, including Yeken in Kashgar, was nearly half that of 2012, and the incidence of infectious diseases and infant mortality were also reduced by 12.97% and 16.22%, respectively.
This is only a microcosm of the effectiveness of China’s medical and health support. In recent years, the state has



宣传司 www.nhc.gov.cn 2019-02-14 来源:

新华社北京2月14日电 题:400余家贫困县医院晋级“二甲”——我国卫生健康对口支援谱新篇



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