
本土症例の足跡多すぎ! 11月27日~12月8日まで双北に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

本土症例の足跡多すぎ! 11月27日~12月8日まで双北に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 12月10日 06:51 『 本土症例の足跡多すぎ! 11月27日~12月8日まで双北に  

本土症例の足跡多すぎ! 11月27日~12月8日まで双北に

自由時報 news.ltn.com.tw 2021-12-10 06:51

【記者: 呉 亮儀/台北報道】

指揮センターの陳志中所長は、これらの場所を訪れた人々に対して、自らの体調に注意を払うようにと呼びかけた。 同センターの専門家グループの招集者である張上淳氏は、この患者がデルタ株の変異種への感染リスクが高い、人々にあっては、身体の状況に注意をし、もし、疑わしい症状が出た場合ん委は病院を受診し、医師にこれらの場所での活動歴があることを伝え、感染しているか否かのチェックをしてほしいと語った。




Too many footprints of local cases! From 11/27 to 12/8 throughout Taipei – New Taipei

Liberty Times news.ltn.com.tw 2021-12-10 06:51

[Reporter Wu Liangyi/Taipei Report]
A former employee of the P3 laboratory of the Academia Sinica was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19) and was listed as a local case. The command center announced the history of activities in public places from November 27 to December 8 yesterday (9th) evening, including in Taipei & New Taipei City.

Chen Shizhong, the commander of the command center, urged people with a history of activities in these places to pay attention to their physical conditions. Zhang Shangchun, the convener of the command center expert team, said that this case has a high chance of being infected with the Delta variant. People should pay attention to their health. If there is any suspected symptom, remind the doctor that there is a history of activities in these areas and check for infection.

Zhang Shangchun said that the public does not need to worry too much. According to past experience, the probability of being infected in the history of activities in public places is actually not very high.

According to the activity history of confirmed cases provided by the command center, the confirmed cases had moved on the MRT Bannan Line from November 27 to December 8, and their footprints included many restaurants, convenience stores, etc. The command center reminded the public, that people entering and exiting relevant places


本土病例足跡超多! 11/27到12/8遍及雙北

自由時報 news.ltn.com.tw 2021-12-10 06:51





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