
武漢肺炎を法定報告伝染病に組み入れ 食衛局が迅速な対処 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

武漢肺炎を法定報告伝染病に組み入れ 食衛局が迅速な対処 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2020年 01月06日 『 武漢肺炎を法定報告伝染病に組み入れ 食衛局が迅速な対処 』

武漢肺炎を法定報告伝染病に組み入れ 食衛局が迅速な対処
東網 hk.on.cc 2020-01-06 23:28 来源:

政府は、武漢の原因不明肺炎への対応として警戒レベルの引き上げに関する運営委員会を開催した。 食物衛生局の陳肇始局長は、速やかに『疾病の予防管理条例』(第599章)を改訂し、重篤な新型伝染性病原体による呼吸器系等の疾患を法定報告感染症に組み入れ、今週内には官報にて公開されることになるとした。




Incorporation of statutory reportable infectious diseases in response to Wuhan Pneumonia: Food and Health Bureau’s rapid revision

Eastnet hk.on.cc 2020-01-06 23:28 Source:

The government convened a meeting of the Steering Committee on Severe Contingency Levels in response to an unexplained pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan. The Secretary for Food and Health, Chen Zhaoshi, said that the Prevention and Control of Diseases Ordinance (Ch. 599) will be amended at full speed to include severe new infectious pathogen respiratory diseases as statutory notifiable infectious diseases. It is expected to be published in the Constitution this week.

Chen Zhaoshi, in the meeting, said in spite that there are no severe pneumonia cases related to Wuhan have been found in Hong Kong, the group of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan can be regarded as a “new infectious disease of great importance to public health”, emphasizing the need for all departments to remain vigilant and further strengthen preventive measures.

She also said that the government will closely monitor the risk assessment and recommendations of the World Health Organization, and will continue to maintain close contact with the National Health Commission to


因應武漢肺炎 食衞局速修例納入法定須呈報傳染病

東網 hk.on.cc 2020-01-06 23:28 来源:




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20200106J 武漢肺炎を法定報告伝染病に組み入れ 食衛局が迅速な対処(東網)


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