
軽症者の隔離免除初日は本土症例112例に減少し輸入はゼロに : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

軽症者の隔離免除初日は本土症例112例に減少し輸入はゼロに : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2023年03月21日 14:11 『 軽症者の隔離免除初日は本土症例112例に減少し輸入はゼロに  


自由時報 news.ltn.com.tw 2023-03-21 14:11



On the first day of exemption from quarantine for those with mild symptoms, the number of mainland cases decreased to 112, and no imported cases

Liberty Times news.ltn.com.tw 2023-03-21 14:11

The reporting of mild cases and waivers from isolation began yesterday, but today’s number of confirmed cases reflects a sharp narrowing of the definition for reporting confirmed diagnoses to those who meet the criteria for developing complications. The Central Epidemic Command Center announced that there were 112 new cases of local Wuhan pneumonia (novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19), all of which were local cases. This is equivalent to an average of 119 moderate to severe cases per day in the past month, however, as soon as the new system is put on the


輕症免隔離上路首日確診數出爐 本土驟減+112、境外移入歸零

自由時報 news.ltn.com.tw 2023-03-21 14:11



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20230321D 軽症者の隔離免除初日は本土症例112例に減少し輸入はゼロに(自由時報)


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