
1月11~20日に感染者数が激増: 中国CDCが最新重大論文 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

1月11~20日に感染者数が激増: 中国CDCが最新重大論文 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2020年 02月18日 20:30 『 1月11~20日に感染者数が激増: 中国CDCが最新重大論文

1月11~20日に感染者数が激増: 中国CDCが最新重大論文

环球时报 china.huanqiu.com 2020-02-18 20:30 来源: 环球时报新媒体




その結果、2019年12月31日以前には武漢と湖北省には感染者104名が既に出現していた可能性があるとともに、その後10日間で653人(うち湖北省88.5%)が増加、2020年1月11日~20日の間に5,417人(湖北省77.6%)がまた爆発、1月最後の10日間には26,468人(湖北省74.4%)が新たに発見された。 が、予防管理手段が向上するに伴い、2月最初の11日間の新増患者数は12,030人に減少した。



China Center for Disease Control’s latest blockbuster article: Jan. 11-20, number of infected people soars

Global Times china.huanqiu.com 2020-02-18 20:30 Source: Global Times New Media

Recently, a Chinese medical academic journal, the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, pre-published a paper from the “Epidemiology Group of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Emergency Response Mechanism” of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

This analysis paper analyzing more than 70,000 cases of novel coronavirus infections (Including more than 44,000 confirmed cases, more than 16,000 suspected cases, more than 10,000 clinically diagnosed cases, and 889 asymptomatic infections) as of February 11, 2020, is not only a huge amount of information, but also confirms many of the information interviewed by reporters of the Global Times.


Dividing outbreaks into 5 periods
The biggest highlight of this paper is to retrospectively analyze the outbreak date of 44672 diagnosed cases out of 72314 cases, and divide the outbreak of the new coronavirus into 5 different periods of “before” December 31, 2019, January 1 to 10, 2020, January 11 to 20, January 21 to 31, and February 1 to 11, respectively.

The results show that before December 31, 2019, Wuhan and Hubei may have had 104 new coronavirus infections, and increased by 653 in the next 10 days (88.5% of which were in Hubei Province). Then it surged another 5417 from January 11 to 20, 2020 (77.6% in Hubei Province), and it broke out completely in the last 10 days of January, and 26,468 new cases occurred (74.7% in Hubei). Then it surged another 5417 cases from January 11 to 20, 2020 (77.6% in Hubei Province), and it broke out completely in the last 10 days of January, and 26,468 people were newly affected (74.7% in Hubei). However, with the upgrading of prevention and control measures, the number of new people in the first 11 days of February slowed to 12,030.


The time period of this group of outbreaks given in the paper in the past 1 month, especially the time period from January 11 to 20 and 5,417 newly infected people in this time period, also confirmed the information learned by our Global Times reporters during an interview at a local hospitals in Wuhan in the past. That is,


中国疾控中心最新重磅论文: 1月11-20日感染者数量暴增

环球时报 china.huanqiu.com 2020-02-18 20:30 来源: 环球时报新媒体







该论文给出的这组疫情在过去1个多月里爆发的时间周期,尤其是1月11日至20日这个时间段以及该时间段里新出现的5417名新感染者,也印证了我们《环球时报》的记者过去一段时间在武汉当地医院采访时所获悉的信息 ,即早在国家卫健委高级别专家组组长钟南山于2020年1月20日晚间宣布病毒可以人传人之前,武汉不少医

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20200218C 1月11~20日に感染者数が激増: 中国CDCが最新重大論文(環球網)


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