
COVID-19: 定点医院での漢方薬介入の有効性94.7%に 北京 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19: 定点医院での漢方薬介入の有効性94.7%に 北京 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2020年 04月25日 16:37 『 COVID-19: 定点医院での漢方薬介入の有効性94.7%に 北京 

COVID-19: 定点医院での漢方薬介入の有効性94.7%に 北京

人民网 bj.people.com.cn 2020-04-25 16:37 来源: 人民网 – 北京频道

人民網 北京 4月25日電 (董 兆瑞)
本日午後、北京市は、新型コロナウィルス肺炎流行予防活動記者会見を開催。 北京市新型コロナウィルス肺炎中医薬治療の専門家グループの副グループ長で、祐安医院中西(宮本注: ここの「中西」とは「漢方と西洋医学」という意味です)結合センター主任医師、且つ、中西医結合感染省研究所の副所長でもある李秀恵医師が、北京市における新型コロナウィルス肺炎中医薬の治療状況について紹介を行った。


ICUの危篤型患者に対し、西洋医学による治療とともに、疾患の弁別型や弁証型と症状弁別を組み合わせた、漢方薬による経鼻栄養投与や浣腸、静脈点滴、経穴塗布などを行い、陽に戻して陰を和らげ、内臓をきれいにして陰を保存する治療が良好な結果をもたらした。 退院した患者に対しても、専門家グループは


4月24日24時までの時点で、北京市定点医院における中医薬介入した全患者の治療率は87.9%、治療有効率は94.7%となった。 重症型や重篤型患者への治療率は81.3%、治療有効率は92.3%であった。

李秀恵医師は、中医治療は一方の薬だけに拘泥してはいないと紹介。 中医治療の方案は、疾病症状の完全な判別体系からきており、感染症治療のための効果的な方法からきている。 軽症患者から重症患者に至


The effective rate of participation of traditional Chinese medicine in Beijing’s Designated Hospitals reached 94.7%

People’s Network bj.people.com.cn 2020-04-25 16:37 Source: People’s Network-Beijing Channel

People’s Daily Online, Beijing, April 25 (Dong Zhaorui)
This afternoon, Beijing held a press conference on the prevention and control of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia. Li Xiuhui, deputy head of the Beijing Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Chinese Medicine Treatment Expert Group, chief physician of the Youan Hospital Center for Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, and deputy director of the Institute of Integrated Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine Infectious Diseases, introduced the Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment of Beijing’s Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia.

Li Xiuhui said that for the treatment of cases of Novel Coronavirus pneumonia, Beijing established a Chinese medicine treatment expert group and formulated and perfected the first to fourth editions of the “Beijing COVID-19 Traditional Chinese Medicine Prevention and Treatment Plan” (for trial), organized Chinese medicine treatment, scientific research, and management professionals to participate in the treatment throughout the process, and treat the suspected cases, diagnosed cases, mild cases, ordinary cases, and recovery cases based on syndrome differentiation.

For the critically ill patients in the Intensive Care Unit, at the same time of Western medicine treatment, the combination of disease differentiation, syndrome differentiation and symptom differentiation, used nasal feeding, enema, intravenous infusion, acupoint application of Chinese herbal medicine decoction were given, and the treatment of returning to the yang and relieving the yin and clearing the internal organs and storing the yin had achieved good results.

The first severely diagnosed case of COVID-19 pneumonia in Youan Hospital was cured and discharged after only 12 days of hospitalization through the above-mentioned Chinese and Western medicine. For the patients who were cured and discharged from the hospital, the expert group also formulated a treatment plan for the recovery period patients based on the characteristics of TCM to promote the recovery of patients.

As of 24:00 on April 24, the rescue rate of all cases of Chinese medicine in the designated hospitals of the city was 87.9%, and the effective rate of treatment was 94.7%. The rate of participation in the treatment of severe and critical



人民网 bj.people.com.cn 2020-04-25 16:37 来源: 人民网 – 北京频道






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20200425D COVID-19: 定点医院での漢方薬介入の有効性94.7%に 北京(人民網)


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