
COVID-19: 01月20日 北京市新たに現地症例2例 無症状感染者1例 輸入症例1例、治癒退院者2例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19: 01月20日 北京市新たに現地症例2例 無症状感染者1例 輸入症例1例、治癒退院者2例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 01月20日 『 COVID-19: 01月20日 北京市新たに現地症例2例 無症状感染者1例 輸入症例1例、治癒退院者2例 

COVID-19: 01月20日 北京市新たに現地症例2例 無症状感染者1例 輸入症例1例、治癒退院者2例

北京市卫生健康委 wjw.beijing.gov.cn 2021-01-21 来源: 北京市卫生健康委

01月20日 0時~24時、北京市では新たに現地確診症例2例、無症状感染者1例、疑似症例1例; 新たに増えた輸入確診症例1例、輸入疑似症例0例、輸入無症状感染者0例; 治癒退院者2例が増えた。



中国籍の32歳男性。1月18日、セルビアを立ち、デンマーク経由で中国国際航空のCA878便にのり、1月19日に北京首都国際空港に到着。 税関による健康チェックとPCR検査を受け、閉鎖管理により集中隔離ホテルに運ばれ、当日のレビュー検査結果が陽性となったため、120の陰圧救急車で定点医院に転送された。疫学史や臨床症状、実験室の検査結果及び画像検査の結果を総合し、1月20日に軽症の確診症例と


On January 20, Beijing added 2 newly confirmed local cases and 1 asymptomatic infection, 1 newly imported confirmed case from abroad, 2 cured and discharged

Beijing Municipal Health Commission wjw.beijing.gov.cn 2021-01-21 Source: Beijing Municipal Health Commission

From 0:00 to 24:00 on January 20, Beijing added two (2) newly diagnosed cases of local novel coronavirus pneumonia and one (1) case of asymptomatic infection, and there were no (0) new suspected cases;
One (1) newly imported diagnosed case, and no (0) new suspected cases, no (0) case of asymptomatic infections; 2 cases were cured and discharged.

Local diagnosed cases:
Case 1:
A male, 9 years old, currently lives in Ronghui Community, Tiangongyuan Street, Daxing District. Asymptomatic infection was diagnosed on January 18, and fever and other symptoms appeared on January 20. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations, it was diagnosed as a confirmed case on the same day, and the clinical type was ordinary.

Case 2:
A woman, 87 years old, currently lives in Ronghui Community, Tiangongyuan Street, Daxing District. The nucleic acid test result was positive on January 20, and the patient was transferred to a designated hospital by a 120 negative pressure ambulance. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging examinations, she was diagnosed as a confirmed case on the same day, and the clinical classification was ordinary.

Diagnosed cases imported from abroad:
A male, 32 years old, Chinese nationality. Departed from Serbia on January 18 and took Air China flight CA878 via Denmark to Beijing Capital Airport on January 19. After the customs undergoes health screening and nucleic acid testing, he was sent to the centralized isolation hotel through closed-loop management. The test result is positive on the same day, and it is transferred to the designated hospital by the 120 negative pressure ambulance. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging examinations, he was diagnosed as a


1月20日北京新增2例本地确诊病例和1例无症状感染者 新增1例境外输入确诊病例 治愈出院2例

北京市卫生健康委 wjw.beijing.gov.cn 2021-01-21 来源: 北京市卫生健康委





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20210121E COVID-19: 01月20日 北京市新たに現地症例2例 無症状感染者1例 輸入症例1例(北京市衛健委)


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