
麻疹 航空会社麻疹の全接触者への追跡を解除 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

麻疹 航空会社麻疹の全接触者への追跡を解除 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2018年 05月08日 『 麻疹 航空会社麻疹の全接触者への追跡を解除 』
CDCの統計によれば、これまでに国内では、麻疹患者計24人が報告されており、3つのクラスター発生を含めて、医学観察を受けた接触者総数は8,456人に上った。 うち、 国内接触者については、航空会社の人たち4,645人、南部の病院の人たち215人を含め 既に7,549人の観察は期限に達した。 現時点では、北部の病院接触者14名のみが5月14日までの観察を受け続ける必要があるが、モニタリング対象総数の0.2%となる。
CDCは、病院や医療スタッフに対し、麻疹を疑う患者には『TOCC』メカニズム、つまり、患者の渡航歴や職業、接触歴、クラスターか否かなどの情報を聞き、記録すると同時に、関連の感染症予防管理措置と通報規定を順守し、衛生単位が速やかに予防治療活動に当たれるようにすることを実施せねばならないと呼び掛けている; 更に、病院や人が集まる公共の場所などに出入りする人たちには咳エチケットを守り、手指の衛生を図るようにし、これを以てウィルス感染のリスクを低減させようとしている。

The airline measles cluster contactors were fully uncovered, leaving only 14 contactors in the country to monitor (2018-05-08)

CDC in Department of Health and Welfare www.cdc.gov.tw/professional 2018-05-08 Source:

The Directorate of Disease said today (May 8) that in the domestic airline measles clustering incident that took place this year (2018), as of the latest monitoring date (May 7), no new confirmed cases have been identified. The clustering epidemic has been judged to have come to an end, and all contacts have been released.

According to the statistics of the Department of Health, there have been 24 confirmed measles cases in the country so far this year, including 3 cluster incidents. The total number of contacts monitored was 8,456. Among them, 7,549 contacts have already reached the expiry date of the medical observation, 4,645 airline company persons and 215 people from the hospital(s) in the south. At present, only 14 people from the northern part of the hospital are in constant contact until May 14, accounting for about 0.2% of the total monitoring population.

The DH reiterated its appeal to medical institutions and medical staff to implement the “TOCC” mechanism for suspected measles cases, that is, to inquire and record information on the patient’s “travel history, occupation, contact history, and whether to cluster”. Further,  follow relevant infection control measures and notification procedures to facilitate the timely implementation of prevention and control by the health unit. In addition, to remind people to enter or leave the hospital or crowded public places, they should pay attention to cough etiquette and hand hygiene to reduce the risk of virus transmission.
In addition, children younger than 1 year old and who have not been vaccinated yet should avoid going to areas where measles is endemic. If the general public wants to go, they can go to a domestic tourism medical clinic for

航空公司麻疹群聚接觸者全數解除追蹤,國內僅剩14名接觸者監測中 (2018-05-08)

衛生福利部疾病管制署 www.cdc.gov.tw/professional 2018-05-08 來源:

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20180508A 麻疹 航空会社麻疹の全接触者への追跡を解除 (台湾CDC専業)


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