
麻疹 : 台湾本土で2名、輸入患者3名を確診 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

麻疹 : 台湾本土で2名、輸入患者3名を確診 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2018年04月05日 『 麻疹 : 台湾本土で2名、輸入患者3名を確診
疾病管制署は本日(2018年4月5日)、麻疹革新患者5名が新たに増え、 うち2名は本土の患者(3月17日に沖縄に旅行した患者と同じフライトの搭乗者)、 3名は輸入症例と発表。 市民には警戒を高め、もし、疑い症状が現れた場合にはマスクをして直ちに病院に行き、渡航歴や接触歴を告げるようにと呼び掛けている。

疾病管制署は、 2名の本土患者 (5番目の患者は、北部在住の20代男性; 6番目の患者は、北部在住の40代男性)は、いずれも2018年3月29日に新聞で発表された患者と同じフライトに搭乗していた。 3名の輸入性患者については、北部在住の40代女性、南部在住の20代男性、北部在住の30代男性で、 2名は3月17日に桃園空港からマカオに旅行しており、今一人の患者である北部の30代男性は3月17日に桃園空港からタイに旅行して2018年4月3日にタイからの輸入性患者とされた患者の兄であると発表。


Two newly confirmed cases of Taiwan-origin measles and 3 imported cases were added today, calling for public alertness

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2018-04-05 Source: Disease Control Department

The Department of Health announced today the addition of five confirmed cases of measles, including two confirmed domestic cases (passengers on the same flight to Okinawa on Mar. 17) and three imported cases from abroad. Call on the public to be vigilant. If there are any suspected symptom, wearing a mask and seek for medical advice as soon as possible and inform your travel history.

The Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C., (Taiwan) stated that two local cases (case 5: a male in the twenties living in the northern part. Case 6: a male in the 40s living in the northern part) were on the same flight of the press reported on March 29, 2018; Three imported cases (a female in the 40s living in the northern part; a male in the twenties living in the southern part; and a male in the 30s living in the north) were visiting Macau from Taoyuan Airport on March 17, among them, a male in his 30s living in the north was the elder brother of the one who left from Taoyuan Airport to Thailand and confirmed as the imported case from Thailand.

The health unit currently has a total of 3,013 contacts of the cases and will continue to monitor until April 22. Call for people used the same means of transportation or entered the public places (see the attached table) and requested to manage their own independent health for 18 days (since the last contact date). If you have symptoms such as fever or rash, wear a mask. Get medical attention and inform your physician about the history of contact.
In this year (2018), up to now, there have been a total of 11 confirmed cases of measles in the country, 6 cases have been

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2018-04-05 資料來源: 疾病管制署


【翻訳詳細全文は 以下からどうぞ Please visit followings for further detail】

20180405A 麻疹 : 台湾本土で2名、輸入患者3名を確診(衛生福利部)

20180404B 感染が考えられる期間中の麻疹集団感染患者活動歴

20180405C 2018年台湾麻疹患者の関係


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