
COVID-19輸入症例4例増 カザフ・エチオピア・比・印から : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19輸入症例4例増 カザフ・エチオピア・比・印から : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 04月30日 『 COVID-19輸入症例4例増 カザフ・エチオピア・比・印から  

COVID-19輸入症例4例増 カザフ・エチオピア・比・印から

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-04-30 來源: 疾病管制署


指揮センターは、「第1123号患者は、台湾籍の50代男性で、2021年2月に商談のためカザフスタンに渡航していたが、出国前72時間以内の陰性証明を持ち、2021年3月30日に帰台していた。 帰台後は、防疫ホテルに隔離され、4月14日、隔離期間満了後に自宅に戻っていた; 再出国の予定があったため、4月28日に病院に行き自費検査を行ったところ、本日確定診断された(Ct値33; 入院後の再検査ではPCR陰性、血清抗体IgM陽性、IgG陽性)。 患者には台湾入りしてからの症状はなく、既に接触者12人が把握されているが、うち3人は在宅隔離、残りの9人は自己健康観察対象とした」としている(宮本注: 出国前72時間以内の陰性証明をもって3月30日に帰台した人が自費検査の結果、入国後32日目にして確定診断されたということです)。

指揮センターは、「第1124号患者は、フィリピン籍の20代男性漁師で、2021年3月にエジプトから乗船していた。 当該船舶は、航行中に台湾を通過しており、4月9日に台湾の領海外で物資の補給を要請した


4 new cases of COVID-19 imported from abroad, entering from Kazakhstan, Egypt, the Philippines and India

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-04-30 Source: Disease Control Department

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (30) that 4 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 were imported from Kazakhstan (Case 1123), Egypt (Case 1124), the Philippines (Case 1125) and India (Case 1126).

The command center pointed out that Case 1123 was a Taiwanese male in his 50s who had traveled to Kazakh on business in February (2021) and returned to Taiwan on March 30 holding a negative test report within 3 days before the flight. After entering the country, he went to the epidemic prevention hotel for quarantine, and returned home after the quarantine period expired on April 14. As he was expected to go abroad again for business negotiations, he went to the hospital for examination on April 28 at his own expense and was diagnosed today (Ct value 33; After the hospitalization, the nucleic acid test was negative, and the serum antibody was positive for IgM and IgG). The case was asymptomatic during his stay in Taiwan, and 12 contacts have been identified, of which 3 are listed in home isolation and the remaining 9 are listed as subjects of self-health monitoring.

The command center stated that Case 1124 was a Filipino male crew member in his 20s who boarded the ship from Egypt in March this year. The ship passed through my country during its voyage, and applied for supplies from abroad on April 9th. Due to unconsciousness and shortness of breath appeared in the case that day, after entering Taiwan on April 10th, it was arranged by the health unit for medical treatment and inspection; During the patient’s hospitalization, 3 tests were taken and the results were all negative. After he was discharged from the hospital on April 27, he was



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2020-04-30 來源: 疾病管制署




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20210430D COVID-19輸入症例4例増 カザフ・エチオピア・比・印から(衛生福利部)


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