
H7N9鳥インフルエンザ 山東省泰安市で輸入症例1名 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

H7N9鳥インフルエンザ 山東省泰安市で輸入症例1名 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2014年03月06日 09:31 『 H7N9鳥インフルエンザ 山東省泰安市で輸入症例1名
2014年 3月06日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on March 06, 2014)H7N9Image

現在患者の状況は安定している(宮本注:患者の状況については新情報、 山東省衛生庁の発表には、患者の状況については触れられていません)。

患者1 (FT#382) は、

患者の状態は安定 濃厚接触者からは異常は見つかっていない (以下は新浪が追加紹介している部分)

China: A case of imported H7N9 avian flu was found in Taian City, Shandong Province

Global Flu Information Network www.flu.org.cn 2014-03-06 09:31 Source: Shandong Provincial Department of Health
Xinlang news.sina.com.cn 2014-03-06 07:58 Source: Qilu Network

On March 5, Taian City of Shandong Province found an imported case of human H7N9 avian influenza. At present, the patient is in stable condition.

The patient 1 (FT#382) is:
Name: Liu X,
Gender: Male,
Age: 59 years old,
Occupation: Farmer, but he was working in Wuxi City, Jiangsu province before his onset
Date of Onset: February 25, he developed symptoms such as fever and gasping
On March 2, the symptoms got worse and the patient returned to Taian City by himself and went to a hospital for treatment.
Date of Diagnosis: March 04, 2014, diagnosed as an imported case of human infection with H7N9 avian flu.
After the patient was admitted to the hospital, the Shandong Provincial Health Planning Commission organized experts to go to Taian City for consultation overnight. The patient, the first time, used the artificial lung transferred from the Shandong Provincial Chest Hospital.

The patient’s condition is stable and there are no abnormalities in close contacts (the following is added by Sina.com)
At present, the patient’s condition is stable, and there are no abnormalities in close contacts.
Wang Xianjun, director of the Institute of Viral Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control, Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and 
全球流感资讯网 www.flu.org.cn 2014-03-06 09:31 来源: 山东省卫生厅
新浪中心` news.sina.com.cn 2014-03-06 07:58 来源: 齐鲁网


患者 (FT#382) 是59岁男性农民,发病前在江苏无锡务工,2月25日出现发热、憋喘等症状;3月2日症状加重,返回泰安就诊;3月4日,被确诊为输入性人感染H7N9禽流感病例。病人入院后,山东省卫计委组织专家连夜赴泰安会诊,病人第一时间使用上从山东省胸科医院调来的人工肺。


オリジナルの省衛計委 URLが削除され見当たらなかったので、この原記事と同内容のURLを本日(2018年05月03日)見つけました。この点では、中国メディアのコピペ体質に感謝:苦笑
As the original URL has deleted and is not existing anymore, I found the same news URL today (May. 03, 2018). I have to thank the Chinese mass media which has the habitudes of copy & past culture.

患者情况稳定 密切接触者均未出现异常 (以下是新浪网介绍的地方

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20140306A 中国:H7N9鳥フル 山東省泰安市で輸入症例1名(新浪中心)


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