
H7N9 浙江で新たに5名 浙江計21、全国計は71人に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

H7N9 浙江で新たに5名 浙江計21、全国計は71人に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2013年04月16日 17:59 『 H7N9 浙江で新たに5名 浙江計21、全国計は71人に

2013年 4月16日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on Apr. 16, 2013)H7N9Image


Zhejiang Province Found 5 New Cases of H7N9 Avian Flu; 21 Cases in Total

China News Network www.chinanews.com 2013-04-16 19:41 Source: China News Network

China New Network on April 16, 2013 (Reporter: Shao Yanfei, Intern: Shawn)
Zhejiang Provincial Health Department on April 16 informed, as of April 16 16:00, Zhejiang Province added five (5) new cases of H7N9 avian influenza.
Up to now, Zhejiang province has a total of 21 H7N9 cases in Zhejiang Province, 2 cases of death.

The case 1 (FT#68) is:

Name: Hu X,
Sex: Male,
Age: 56 years old,
Occupation: Engaged in pigeon farming, sales,
Current Domicile: Hangzhou city,
Date of Onset: April 12, 2013,
Current Situation: Admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou city,
Date of Diagnosis: April 16, 2013, diagnosed by the experts organized by provincial Health Department through discussion on the cases’ clinical manifestations, epidemiological data and laboratory test results after the provincial CDC detected H7N9 avian flu virus nucleic acid positive from their specimens.
Current Situation: admitted to the hospital for active treatment: seriously ill.

The case 2 (FT#69) is:

Name: Qian X,
Sex: Male,
Age: 57 years old,
Occupation: Unemployed,
Current Domicile: Hangzhou city,
Date of Onset: April 10, 2013,
Current Situation: Admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou city,
Date of Diagnosis: April 16, 2013, diagnosed by the experts organized by provincial Health Department through discussion on the cases’ clinical manifestations, epidemiological data and laboratory test results after the provincial CDC detected H7N9 avian flu virus nucleic acid positive from their specimens.
Current Situation: admitted to the hospital for active treatment: seriously ill.

The case 3 (FT#70) is:

Name: Sun X,
Sex: Female,
Age: 58 years old,
Occupation: Farmer,
Current Domicile: Hangzhou city,
Date of Onset: April 11, 2013,
Current Situation: Admitted to a certain hospital in Hangzhou city,
Date of Diagnosis: April 16, 2013, diagnosed by the experts organized by provincial Health Department through discussion on the cases’ clinical manifestations, epidemiological data and laboratory test results after the provincial CDC detected H7N9 avian flu virus nucleic acid positive from their specimens.
Current Situation: admitted to the hospital for active treatment: seriously ill.

浙江新增5例人感染H7N9禽流感病例 目前共21例

中新网 www.chinanews.com 2013-04-16 19:41 来源:中国新闻网

中新网杭州4月16日电(记者 邵燕飞 实习生 肖娜)


20130416B H7N9 浙江で新たに5名 浙江計21、全国計71人に


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