
2022年度衛生健康事業発展統計を公開 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2022年度衛生健康事業発展統計を公開 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2023年10月12日 『 2022年度衛生健康事業発展統計を公開 』


国家卫生健康委员会 www.nhc.gov.cn 2023-10-12 来源: 国家卫生健康委员会




Statistical Bulletin on the Development of Health Care in 2022 Released

China National Health Commission www.nhc.gov.cn 2023-10-12 Source: China NHC

On October 12, the National Health Commission released the “Statistical Bulletin on the Development of my country’s Health Care Industry in 2022”. According to the “Bulletin”, in 2022, the total number of visits to medical and health institutions nationwide was 8.42 billion, which is basically the same as the previous year. The total number of TCM medical and health institutions nationwide was 80,319, an increase of 2,983 over the previous year, and the total number of visits was 1.23 billion, showing an increase of 20 million over the previous year. The bulletin shows that the Chinese government’s investment has continued to increase, the quality of medical and health resources has been improved and expanded, the health service system has been continuously improved, and the construction of a healthy China has been steadily advancing.

The total amount of medical and health resources continues to increase. In terms of beds, the Bulletin points out 



国家卫生健康委员会 www.nhc.gov.cn 2023-10-12 来源: 卫生健康委员会




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