重慶市本年中に90の三級医院建設 : 日中医療衛生情報研究
2023年 04月12日 『 重慶市本年中に90の三級医院建設 』
重庆市人民政府 www.cq.gov.cn 2023-04-12 来源: 重庆日报
4月11日、重慶日報記者は2023年全市医改工作会(宮本注: 医改医薬衛生体制改革のことですが、ここでは『医療制度改革』で通します)および医療制度改革の典型的事例交流深化審査会で、これまでに重慶市では三級甲等医院(三甲医院は中国のトップレベルの病院です)が44か所、二級甲等医院が区・県(自治権)全域をカバーし、『農村で30分、都市で15分』の医療サービス圏が基本的に完成されたと聞いた。医療衛生サービス体系改善のために、重慶市は本年中に、重慶市北東部三峡ダム地域の町と南東部の武陵山地域の町に重点を置き三級医院90か所の建設予定だ。
Chongqing will build 90 tertiary hospitals this year, and the city’s township telemedicine will achieve full coverage by the end of the year
Chongqing Municipal People’s Government www.cq.gov.cn 2023-04-12 Source: Chongqing Daily
On April 11, a reporter from Chongqing Daily learned from the 2023 city-wide medical reform work meeting and the selection meeting for deepening the exchange of typical cases of medical reform that up to now, the number of Grade-A Tertiary hospitals in the city has increased to 44, the Grade-A secondary hospitals have achieved full coverage in districts and counties (autonomous counties), and the medical service circle of “30 minutes in rural areas and 15 minutes in cities” has basically been completed. In order to improve the medical and health service system, the city will build 90 tertiary hospitals this year, among which the focus will be on the towns in the Three Gorges reservoir area in northeast Chongqing and the Wuling mountain towns in southeast Chongqing.
According to the person in charge of the Municipal Health Commission, Chongqing will vigorously promote the
重庆今年将建成三级医院90家 全市乡镇远程医疗年底实现全覆盖
重庆市人民政府 www.cq.gov.cn 2023-04-12 来源: 重庆日报
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20230412K 重慶市本年中に90の三級医院建設 全市郷鎮遠隔医療は年内に全域で実施(重慶市人民政府)