COVID-19:無症状感染者管理規範発行による連合予防制御 メカニズム対応に関する国務院通知 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2020年 04月08日 『 COVID-19:無症状感染者管理規範発行による連合予防制御 メカニズム対応に関する国務院通知 』
COVID-19:無症状感染者管理規範発行による連合予防制御 メカニズム対応に関する国務院通知【中国政府網】
疾病预防控制局 2020-04-08 来源: 疾病预防控制局
国弁発明電 [2020] 13号;
第1条 無症状病原体保有者の発見や報告、管理活動強化のため、『中華人三共和国感染症予防治療法』や『中華人民共和国国境衛生検疫法』を基に、本規定を定める。
第2条 新型コロナウィルスの無症状病原体保有者(以下『無症状感染者』)とは、気道サンプルの病因学検査でCOVID-19陽性となっても自覚できるまたは臨床的に認識できる熱発や咳、咽頭痛等の関連の臨床症状がなく、症状と徴候のない人を指す。 無症状感染者には二つのケースがある: 第一に、14日の隔離観察を経ても、自覚できる或いは臨床的に認識できる症状や徴候のないもの; 第二に、潜伏期に『無症状感染』状態であるもの。
第3条 無症状感染者は、伝染性を有しており、感染リスクがある。
第4条 無症状感染者のモニターと発見の強化。
一、 COVID-19患者の濃厚接触者に対する医学観察期間中の積極的検出;
二、 クラスター調査中の積極的検出;
三、 COVID-19患者の感染源追跡過程中における暴露した人々の積極的検出;
四、 国内外のCOVID-19患者が持続的に感染している地区に居住歴がある人々の積極的検査;
五、 疫学的調査と任意型検診中に発見した関連要員。
第5条 無症状感染者報告の規範化。 全医療衛生機構は、無症状感染者の発見時、2時間以内にネットを通じ直接報告をあげるものとする。県級の疾病管理機構は、無症状感染者の報告受領後24時間以内に調査を終えねばならず、同時に速やかに濃厚接触者を登録、速やかに感染
The State Council’s response to the COVID-19 joint prevention and control mechanism on the issuance of the management notice on asymptomatic infection infected patients of COVID-19 [China Government Network]
CDC of China National Health Commission 2020-04-08 Source: National CDC
The State Council’s response to the COVID-19 joint prevention and control mechanism on the issuance of the management notice on asymptomatic infection infected patients of COVID-19 [China Government Network]
CDC of China National Health Commission 2020-04-08 Source: National CDC
Telegraph from General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China [2020] No.13
To the people’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the ministries and commissions of the State Council, and the agencies directly under them:
The “Management Standards for Asymptomatic Infected Patients of Novel Coronavirus” has been approved by the Central Leading Group for the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Outbreak, and is now issued to you.
Response to pneumonia outbreak of new coronavirus infection
Joint prevention and control work mechanism
April 6, 2020
Management Standards for Asymptomatic Infected Patients of Novel Coronavirus
Article 1. In order to strengthen the discovery, reporting and management of asymptomatic Novel Coronavirus infections, this stipulation was formulated in accordance with the Law of the People ’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the Law of the People ’s Republic of China on Border Health and Quarantine.
Article 2. Asymptomatic infection of New Coronavirus (hereinafter referred to as asymptomatic infection) refers to the absence of relevant clinical manifestations, such as fever, cough, and sore throat, which can be self-perceived or clinically identifiable symptoms and signs. Those who, however, had positive pathogenic tests for new coronaviruses such as respiratory tract specimens. There are two cases of asymptomatic infected patients: First, after 14 days of isolated medical observation, there are no symptoms and signs that can be self-perceived or clinically recognized; The second is the state of “asymptomatic infection” in the incubation period.
Article 3. Asymptomatic people are contagious and have a risk of transmission.
Article 4. Strengthen the monitoring and discovery of asymptomatic infected persons: First, active detection during close medical observation of novel coronavirus pneumonia cases; The second is active detection in the investigation of cluster epidemic situations; The third is the active detection of exposed people in the process of tracing the source of COVID-19 cases infected; The fourth is the active detection of persons with history of residence in areas where there is continuous transmission of COVID-19 cases at home and abroad; Fifth, related person(s) found in epidemiological investigation and opportunistic screening.
Article 5. Regulate the report of asymptomatic patients. Medical and health institutions at all levels and all types, when find any asymptomatic infected patient(s) shall report directly through the Internet within 2 hours. The county-level disease control agency shall complete the investigation within 24 hours after
[中国政府网] 国务院应对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情联防联控机制关于印发新冠病毒无症状感染者管理规范的通知
卫生应急办公室 2020-04-10 来源: 卫生应急办公室
疾病预防控制局 2020-04-08 来源: 疾病预防控制局
第一条 为加强对新冠病毒无症状感染者的发现、报告、管理工作,依据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》、《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》,制定本规范。
第二条 新冠病毒无症状感染者(以下简称无症状感染者)是指无相关临床表现,如发热、咳嗽、咽痛等可自我感知或可临床识别的症状与体征,但呼吸道等标本新冠病毒病原学检测呈阳性者。无症状感染者有两种情形:一是经14天的隔离医学观察,均无任何可自我感知或可临床识别的症状与体征;二是处于潜伏期的“无症状感染”状态。
第三条 无症状感染者具有传染性,存在着传播风险。
第四条 加强对无症状感染者的监测和发现:一是对新冠肺炎病例的密切接触者医学观察期间的主动检测;二是在聚集性疫情调查中的主动检测;三是在新冠肺炎病例的传染源追踪过程中对暴露人群的主动检测;四是对部分有境内外新冠肺炎病例持续传播地区旅居史人员的主动检测;五是在流行病学调查和机会性筛查中发现的相关人员。
第五条 规范无症状感染者的报告。各级各类医疗卫生机构发现无症状感染者,应当于2小时内进行网络直报。县级疾控机构接到发现无症状感染者报告后,24小时内完成个案调查,并及时进行密切接触者登记,将个案调查表或调查报告及时通过传染病报告信息管理系统进行上报。无症
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20200408B COVID-19:無症状病原体保有者管理規範発行 に関する連合予防制御メカニズム 国務院の対応(中国CDC)