中国でH10N5とH3N2型の混合感染による死亡例発生 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年 02月01日 『 中国でH10N5とH3N2型の混合感染による死亡例発生 』
衛生福利部 2024-02-01 來源: 疾病管制署
疾管署(以下、CDC)は本日(2月1日)、「2024 年 1 月 30 日の中国衛生部門発表の情報によると、中国安徽省宣城市で、慢性疾患歴のある60代女性の新型インフルエンザA型(H10N5)への感染例が確認されたが、彼女は季節性インフルエンザH3N2にも同時感染していた。彼女は昨2023年11月30日に発症、病状が悪化したことから12月2日に入院治療を受けたが、12月7日に浙江省の医療機関に転送入院するも危篤状態になり12月16日死亡していた。本年1月22日に季節性インフルエンザH3N2型とH10N5型鳥インフルエンザウイルスが彼女の検体から分離され、1月26日に中国疾病予防管理センターによる再検査を経て確認された。安徽、浙江両省の彼女の濃厚接触者に発症者は出ず、検査でも陰性となった。遡及性観察後の結果は、他に疑い例は見つからなかった。当該単位は、H10N5型のウイルスはトリ由来であり、ヒトへの感染リスクは低いと判断している」と発表した
A fatal case of mixed infection with H10N5 and H3N2 occurred in China. The CDC maintains the second-level travel epidemic recommendations for Anhui and Zhejiang, and calls on the public to implement the “5 dos and 6 nos” principle to prevent the new type A influenza
Ministry of Health and Welfare 2024-02-01 Source: Disease Control Department
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) stated today (1) that according to information released by the Chinese health department on January 30, 2024, there is a new human infection case of new type A influenza (H10N5) in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province, China who is a woman in her 60s with a history of chronic disease, she was infected with seasonal influenza H3N2 at the same time. She became ill on November 30 last year (2023), and her condition worsened and was admitted to the hospital for treatment on December 2. She was transferred to a medical institution in Zhejiang Province for hospitalization on December 7. Her condition became serious and, in the end, she died on December 16. Seasonal influenza H3N2 and avian H10N5 influenza viruses were isolated from her specimens on January 22 this year, and were re-examined and confirmed by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on January 26. None of his close contacts in Anhui and Zhejiang became ill and tested negative. No other suspicious cases were found after retrospective monitoring. The unit assessed that the H10N5 virus was of avian origin and the risk of infecting humans was low.
The CDC pointed out that new type A influenza refers to other animal influenza viruses that occasionally infect
衛生福利部 2024-02-01 來源: 疾病管制署:
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