中国CDC専門家 春節期間の伝染病予防注意を促す : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2018年02月23日 『 春節期間中わが国感染症の状況は平穏 人々は健康で幸福な新年を迎えた 』
2018年の春節期間中、国家衛生計生委は関連部門と連携し、インフルエンザ等冬から春にかけての重点感染症の予防管理を行った。 春節期間(02月15~21日)中、全国の感染症流行状況は平穏で、法定伝染病患者69,365名が報告されたが、昨年の動機と比して44%の下降、公衆衛生事件は9件で、昨年比89%の下落となった。甲類(A類)伝染病は、発症者ゼロ。社会が注目しているインフルエンザは更に落ち着き、流行性出血熱やその他感染性下痢症など冬から春にかけて発症者が増える感染症も下降し続けている。
During the Spring Festival, the epidemic of infectious diseases in our country was stable and healthy
National Health and Family Planning Commission 2018-02-23 Source:
February 23 from the National Health and Family Planning Commission (National HFPC) Disease Prevention and Control Bureau informed, During the Spring Festival of 2018, the National HFPC was working with relevant departments to prevent and control key infectious diseases such as influenza and other diseases in winter and spring, During the Spring Festival (February 15-21), the epidemic situation of infectious diseases in the country was stable. A total of 69,365 cases of notifiable infectious diseases were reported (decreased by 44%) over the same period of last year. Nine public health emergencies were reported, a decrease of 89% over the same period of last year. There was no case of Type A infectious diseases, socially concerned influenza is decreasing, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, other infectious diarrhea and other winter and spring infectious diseases continued to decline.
To ensure that there is no major epidemic outbreak of infectious disease(s) in the country during the Spring Festival, National HFPC, for the holiday period where the peoples’ movement are increasing, the migrant workers returning their home towns and have dinner gathering together, Deployed Disease Prevention and Control agencies and medical institutions at all levels to implement the duty watch system during the Spring Festival, strengthen epidemic situation monitoring and risk assessment, to do a good job in infectious disease prevention and control and epidemic situation preparation work, and arranged the normal access for the emergency outpatients to ensure timely diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Ordered health and family planning departments at all levels through various forms of public health information, and CCTV during the festival put a program “Happy New Year” on the air.
In conjunction with the departments of transportation, railways and civil aviation, it will step up measures to prevent and control ventilation, disinfection and food hygiene in key places such as stations and airports as well as in closed traffic such as automobiles, trains and airplanes; Together with the quality inspection departments, we are doing a good job in port quarantine inspection, vector killing, and prevention of infectious diseases such as Dengue Fever and Malaria.
Maoqun An, director of the National HFPC’s Disease Prevention and Control Bureau introduced, “at present, flu and other infectious diseases in winter and spring are still in
国家卫生计生委 2018-02-23 来源:
为确保春节期间全国不发生重大传染病的流行,国家卫生计生委针对节日期间人员流动性大、归国返乡务工人员多和群众聚餐聚会增加等情况,部署各级疾病预防控制机构和医疗机构落实春节期间的值班值守制度,加强疫情监测,强化风险研判,做好传染病防控和疫情处置准备工作,安排好门急诊的正常接诊,确保传染病患者的及时诊治。要求各级卫生计生部门通过多种形式对公众发布健康提示信息,并在节日期间联合央视制作播放“健康幸福过大年”节目,呼吁广大群众保持良好的健康卫生习惯,注意防范流感、感染性腹泻等重点传染病,共同度过一个健康祥和的春节。会同交通运输、铁路、民航等部门,加强车站、机场等重点场所及汽车、火车、飞机等密闭交通工具的通风、消毒、食品卫生等防控措施; 会同质检部门,做好口岸检疫查验、病媒生物消杀,严防登革热、疟疾等传染病输入。
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