本土症例は50例死者も21例と低水準! : 更に減速するだろう : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2023年03月27日 14:00 『 本土症例は50例死者も21例と低水準! : 更に減速するだろう 』
本土症例は50例死者も21例と低水準! : 更に減速するだろう
臺蘋新聞網 tw.nextapple.com 2020-03-27 14:00 来源 :
The number of cases hit another low! 50 and 21 deaths in today’s homeland Luo Yijun: still in the slowing down stage
East Net tw.nextapple.com 2020-03-27 14:00 Source:
The Central Epidemic Command Center explained the latest development of the epidemic this afternoon, Spokesman Luo Yijun explained that yesterday there were 50 new local cases of COVID-19 (complications), 0 cases imported from abroad, and 21 deaths. Today, the number of confirmed cases is less due to the effect of the Ching Ming Festival holiday. And yesterday was the last day of supplementary notification, and there were no new reported cases of mild symptoms.
In response to the recent epidemic trend, Luo Yijun said that since the new system was put on the road, there have been a total of 668 cases of complications, of which 667 were local cases and 1 case was imported from abroad. On average, 95 new confirmed cases were added every day. The average number of moderate and severe cases in the past
個案數再創低點!今本土50、21死 羅一鈞:仍在趨緩階段
臺蘋新聞網 tw.nextapple.com 2020-03-27 14:00 来源 :
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