
香港: H7N9 CHPが輸入患者1名を調査 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

香港: H7N9 CHPが輸入患者1名を調査 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2014年 04月04日 『 香港: H7N9 CHPが輸入患者1名を調査
2014年 4月04日の記事です。 (This is the article issued on April 04, 2014)H7N9Image

患者 (FT#411) は、広東省深圳市龍崗に単身で居住しているが長期の疾患を患っていた。患者は、 3月31日に深圳で発熱、咳、血痰等の症状が現れた。 症状は持続し4月3日午後、羅湖のパスポート管理ステーション(入境管理)を経て香港入りした際に、発熱及び喉の痛みの症状が見つかり、その後救急車で直接北区医院(NDH)の救急外来に搬送され、当日から入院治療が行われた。
臨床診断では、肺炎とされた。 彼の痰のサンプルがCHP公衆衛生化学検査サービス所経由で検査をしたところ本日夕刻、A型インフルエンザ(H7N9)ウィ

HK: Imported human case of avian influenza A(H7N9) under CHP investigation

Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection www.chp.gov.hk 2014-04-04 Source:

The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) is today (April 4) investigating an imported human case of avian influenza A(H7N9) affecting a man aged 65.

The patient, with underlying illnesses, lives in Longgang, Shenzhen alone. He developed fever, cough, blood-stained sputum and diarrhoea on March 31 in Shenzhen. His symptoms persisted and he was found to have fever and sore throat upon arrival in Hong Kong at Lo Wu Control Point on April 3 afternoon. He was directly transferred to the Accident and Emergency Department of North District Hospital (NDH) by ambulance and was admitted for management on the same day.
The clinical diagnosis was pneumonia. His sputum specimen was tested positive for avian influenza A(H7N9) virus upon laboratory testing by the CHP’s Public Health Laboratory Services Branch this evening.
The patient is currently isolated in Princess Margaret Hospital under treatment in stable condition.
Initial epidemiological investigation revealed that he had recently bought slaughtered pigeons from a wet market near his residence in Shenzhen.

The patient 1 (FT#411) is:
Name: No information provided
Gender: Male
Age: 65 years old,
Occupation: No information provided
Registered Domicile: No information provided but maybe a Cantonese
Current Domicile: Living in Longgang District of Shenzhen City in Guangdong Province alone
Clinical History: He has underlying illnesses
Date of Onset: March 31, 2014, He developed fever, cough, blood-stained sputum and diarrhea in Shenzhen City.
Exposure to Birds: He recently bought slaughtered pigeons from a wet market near his residence in Shenzhen
Date of Admission: April 3 afternoon, transferred and admitted to the Accident and Emergency Department of North District Hospital (NDH)
Then transferred to Princess Margaret Hospital
Current Situation: His current condition is stable.
Date of Diagnosis: March 17, 2014
Exposure to birds: Initial epidemiological investigation revealed that he had recently bought slaughtered pigeons from a wet market near his residence in Shenzhen.


香港卫生防护中心 www.chp.gov.hk 2014-04-04 来源:

該名病人 (FT#411) 獨居於深圳龍崗,他有長期病患。他於三月三十一日於深圳出現發燒、咳嗽、痰液帶血及腹瀉等病徵。他的病徵持續,四月三日下午經羅湖管制站來港,當時被發現有發燒及喉嚨痛,其後由救護車直接送往北區醫院急症室,同日入院接受治療。

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20140404B 香港: H7N9 CHPが輸入患者1名を調査(CHP)


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