
台湾のコロナ262例増と減速 死者は49例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

台湾のコロナ262例増と減速 死者は49例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2024年04月02日 16:00 『 台湾のコロナ262例増と減速 死者は49例

衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-04-02 來源: 疾病管制署



There are still many cases of complications from the COVID-19 epidemic. Starting from April 9, the 2nd dose of XBB vaccination service will be provided to groups at high risk of severe illness or death to enhance immune protection

Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-04-02 Source: Disease Control Department

The Department of Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) stated today (April 2) that the domestic COVID-19 epidemic last week (3/26-4/1) added 262 confirmed local cases (complications) of COVID-19. There were 281 new cases, a decrease from the previous week (3/19-3/25), and 79% of the complications were elderly people over 65 years old. In addition, there were 49 new deaths last week, a decrease from the 53 new cases in the previous week. Among the deaths, elderly people over 65 years old account for 90%; in the total number of mutant strains monitored in the past four weeks, most of the locally detected virus strains are JN.1 (94%), followed by BA.2.86 (4%), and EG.5 (2%) ; Most of the virus strains detected overseas are JN.1 (90%), followed by BA.2.86 (10%).At present, the domestic epidemic situation has declined and is out of the epidemic period. However, since the launch of the COVID-19 XBB vaccine on September 26 last year (2023), more than 96% (inclusive) of confirmed complications and deaths reported locally have not been vaccinated against the COVID-19 XBB vaccine. The threat of the disease



衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-04-02 來源: 疾病管制署

疾病管制署(下稱疾管署)今(2)日表示,國內COVID-19疫情上週(3/26-4/1)新增262例COVID-19本土確定病例(併發症),較前一週(3/19-3/25)新增281例下降,併發症中65歲以上長者占79%;另上週新增49例死亡病例,較前一週新增53例下降,死亡個案中65歲以上長者占90%;近四週變異株監測總計,本土檢出病毒株以JN.1 (94%)為多,其次為BA.2.86 (4%)、及EG.5 (2%);境外檢出病毒株以JN.1 (90%)為多,其次為BA.2.86 (10%)。目前國內疫情下降且已脫離流行期,惟去(2023)年9月26日新冠XBB疫苗開打以來,本土通報確診併發症及死亡病例中未

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