
COVID-19: 北京で新たに本土確診症例7例 12月28日 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19: 北京で新たに本土確診症例7例 12月28日 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2020年 12月29日 08:17:21 『 COVID-19: 北京で新たに本土確診症例7例 12月28日 

COVID-19: 北京で新たに本土確診症例7例 12月28日

新华网 www.xinhuanet.com 2020-12-29 08:17:21 来源: 北京市卫健委网站

12月28日0時~24時の間に、当地では、新たに確診症例7例、疑似症例0例、無症状感染者0例が増え; 輸入無症状感染者1例、輸入確診症例0例、疑似症例0例が見つかった。


患者1:北京籍の32歳男性。 順義区北石槽鎮西趙各庄村在住。 某貿易サービス会社社員。 12月27日PCR検査結果が陽性となり120の陰圧救急車で地壇医院に転送された。 12月28日、 患者が喉に不快感が現れ、その疫学史や臨床症状、実験室及び画像検査などの結果、当日新型コロナウィルス肺炎の軽型の確診症例と診断された。

患者2: 山西籍の28歳男性。 順義区高麗営鎮張喜庄村在住。 某貿易サービス会社社員。 12月28日PCR検査結果が陽性となり120の陰圧救急車で地壇医院に転送された。 患者に発熱や咳などの症状が現れ、その疫学史や臨床症状、実験室及び画像検査などの結果、当日新型コロナウィルス肺炎の軽型確診症例と診断された。

患者3:北京籍の42歳女性。 順義区高麗営鎮東馬各庄村在住。 某貿易サービス会社社員。 12月28日PCR検査結果が陽性となり120の陰圧救急車で地壇医院に転送された。 患者に発熱や咳などの症状が現れ、その疫学史や臨床症状、実験室及び画像検査などの結果、当日新型コロナウィルス肺炎の軽型確診症例と診断された。

患者4:安徽籍の43歳男性。 順義区仁和鎮河南村在住。 ネット配信タクシー運転手。 12月28日PCR検査結果が陽性となり120の陰圧救急車で地壇医院に転送された。 患者にのどの渇きや空咳などの症状が現れ、その疫学史や臨床症状、実験室及び画像検査などの結果、当日新型コロナウィルス肺炎の普通型確


Beijing added 7 new local diagnosed cases on December 28

Xinhuanet www.xinhuanet.com 2020-12-29 08:17:21 Source: Beijing Municipal Health Commission website

From 0:00 to 24:00 on December 28, Beijing added 7 newly diagnosed local cases, no suspected cases and no case of asymptomatic infections; 1 newly imported asymptomatic infection, no new confirmed cases or suspected cases.

Local diagnosed cases

Case 1: A 32-year-old male of Beijing, currently living in Xizhaogezhuang Village, Beishicao Town, Shunyi District, is an employee of a certain trade service company. As the nucleic acid test result was positive on December 27, he was transferred by a 120 negative pressure ambulance to Ditan Hospital. On December 28, the patient developed symptoms such as pharyngeal discomfort. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging examinations, he was diagnosed as a confirmed case of novel coronavirus pneumonia on the same day, and the clinical type was mild.

Case 2: A 28-year-old male, from Shanxi, currently living in Zhangxizhuang Village, Gaoliying Town, Shunyi District, and an employee of a trade service company. On December 28, the nucleic acid test result was positive, and he was transferred by the 120 negative pressure ambulance to Ditan Hospital. The patient developed fever, cough and other symptoms, combined with the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations, and was diagnosed as a confirmed case of novel coronavirus pneumonia on the same day, with a clinical classification of mild.

Case 3: A 42-year-old female, from Beijing, currently living in Dongmagezhuang Village, Gaoliying Town, Shunyi District, is an employee of a certain trade service company. On December 28, the nucleic acid test result was positive, and she was transferred by the 120 negative pressure ambulance to Ditan Hospital, the patient presented with symptoms of dry throat, combined with the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations, and was diagnosed as a confirmed case of novel coronavirus pneumonia on the same day, and the clinical classification was mild.

Case 4: A 43-year-old male from Anhui, currently living in Henan Village, Renhe Town, Shunyi District, an online ride-hailing driver. On December 28, the nucleic acid test result was positive, and he was transferred by the 120 negative



新华网 www.xinhuanet.com 2020-12-29 08:17:21 来源: 北京市卫健委网站




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20201229E COVID-19: 北京で新たに本土確診症例7例 12月28日(新華網)



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