結核との診断後私は職場に隠して仕事を続けた : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年 03月24日 『 結核との診断後私は職場に隠して仕事を続けた 』
凤凰网健康 health.ifeng.com 2024-03-24 14:00:58 来源: 浙江省
両鬢に白髪が混じった先生が辛そうに自分を見つめるのを見て、思わず彼女は視線を窓外に向け、恩師を見る勇気がなかった。「胡楠さん、現時点では腸結核かクローン病かの判断は難しい。ここに少し留まって様子を見てはどうだろうか。職場には私が行って話をするよ。」胡楠はしばらく沈黙し、首を横に振った: 「先生、ありがとう。でも、来週は娘の大学入試なんです。私には無理…」
After I was diagnosed with tuberculosis, I kept going to work without telling the department | A Nurse’s Monologue
Ifeng.com health.ifeng.com 2024-03-24 14:00:58 Source: Zhejiang Province
Today is 3.24 World Tuberculosis Day
Hu Nan did not expect that when she returned to her alma mater to see her teacher again, she would be dragging a sick body. Seeing her gray-haired teacher looking at her with a distressed expression, she involuntarily turned her gaze to the window and did not dare to look at him. “Xiao Nan, it’s hard to decide whether you have intestinal tuberculosis or Crohn’s disease at the moment. Why don’t you just stay here and observe. I’ll go and talk to your workplace.” Hu Nan was silent for a moment and shook his head: “Thank you, teacher, but my daughter will take the college entrance
凤凰网健康 health.ifeng.com 2024-03-24 14:00:58 来源: 浙江省
今天是 3.24 世界防治结核病日
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