『死の予約集団』を法に基づき封じ込めよ : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2023年04月14日 00:08 『 『死の予約集団』を法に基づき封じ込めよ 』
新浪财经 finance.sina.com.cn 2023-04-14 00:08 来源: 市场星报
チャット上の内容はネガティブな感情に満ち、(チャットを)構成するメンバーの構成は複雑で目的もそれぞれ違い、中には自殺に誘導したり扇動したりするものもおり、『三つの看点(宮本注: 三観とは四中全会で掲げられた世界観・権力観・仕事観のことのようです)はほぼ打ち砕かれた』と彼女をしてぶっきらぼうに言わしめることになった。
4月7日、張家界市で若者4人が崖から飛び降り自殺をしたが、これに関し『死亡予約』事件が疑われ、人々を震撼させた。 結果的に自殺関連の話題がまたまた多くの人々の懸念を引き起こすことになった。統計によれば、我が国では毎年自殺未遂者数が200万人、自殺数は約28万7千人となっており、国内のあら
The “death group” must be “sealed” in accordance with the law
Sina Finance inance.sina.com.cn 2023-04-14 00:08 Source: Market Star
Yang Yuanyuan is an English teacher in a university in the central region, and is a volunteer for psychological assistance in her spare time.
On April 7, the People’s Government of Yongding District, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province issued a report stating that all four committed suicides, excluding criminal cases and other factors.
Yang Yuanyuan told reporters that the behavior of the four people was very similar to a “death date” incident. She once sneaked into the “death party” and found that it was a place hiding darkness.
The content of the chat is full of negative emotions, the composition of the personnel is extremely complex, with different purposes, and some people even guide and instigate suicide, which made her bluntly say that “almost shattered the three views”.
She suggested that if you see a “death date group”, you should report it immediately. (Shangguan news on April 13)
On April 7, four young people committed suicide by jumping off a cliff in Zhangjiajie. This suspected “death date” incident was shocking.
As a result, the topic of suicide has once again aroused widespread concern. Statistics show that about 287,000 people die by suicide in my country every year, and 2 million people attempt to commit suicide. Among
新浪财经 finance.sina.com.cn 2023-04-14 00:08 来源: 市场星报
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