中国人の狂犬病ワクチン接種が最多だがそれでも不十分 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2023年 09月22日 13:59 『 中国人の狂犬病ワクチン接種が最多だがそれでも不十分 』
網易新聞 2023-09-22 13:59:30 来源: 网易浪潮工作室
路上で、ふわふわの子猫や子犬を見かけると、近寄って撫でてやりたくならないか? が、引っかかれたり、咬まれたりした場合、狂犬病の致死率がほぼ100%となるのでワクチンの接種が必要になる。そして狂犬病ワクチンも非常に面倒なもので、1回だけの接種では不足で、続けて3~4回の接種が必要、かつ接種費用も安くはないのだ。
Chinese people have received the most rabies vaccines, but not enough
NetEase News 2023-09-22 13:59:30 Source: NetEase Inspur Studio
When you see a fluffy kitten or puppy on the street, do you always want to go up and touch it? But if you are scratched or bitten, the fatality rate of rabies is almost 100%, and you need to get vaccinated. And the rabies vaccine is also very troublesome. One shot is not enough, you have to go three or four times in a row, and the price is not cheap.
Tu Changchun, a researcher at the Military Veterinary Research Institute, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency as early as 2018. In China, more than 12 million people are vaccinated against rabies every year due to dog bites. The cost of vaccination is about 350 yuan. If blood is seen, rabies immunoglobulin is also required, which costs thousands of yuan. Adding these two together, people spend more than 5 billion yuan every year [1].
September 28 each year is World Rabies Day designated by the United Nations to raise awareness of the world’s
中国 乙08: 狂犬病 (2023年 07月度中国人打了最多的狂犬疫苗,但还不够
網易新聞 2023-09-22 13:59:30 来源: 网易浪潮工作室