台南のXBBワクチン接種進捗率が全国1位に : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年02月27日 16:00 『 台南のXBBワクチン接種進捗率が全国1位に 』
衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-02-27 來源: 疾病管制署
疾病管理予防局(以下CDC)は本日(27日)、台南市の新型コロナウイルス感染症XBBワクチン接種率は11.56%で、6都市中のトップであり、全国では2位、進捗率は全国1位だったと発表し、本日は台南市政府の李翠峰衛生局長に接種促進のための7つのヒントを共有した。これには次のものが 含まれる:
I. 37 行政区の人口に基づきワクチン接種目標を設定、毎週会議を開きその進捗状況を追跡。
II. 衛生署は台南ワクチン接種予約サイトにリンクした内容のはがきやテキストメッセージを発行し、機動性とアクセス性を高めるために速やかにワクチン接種を受けるとともに直接予約をと注意喚起。
III. 防疫政策と歩調を合わせ、防疫物資(迅速診断試薬、体温計、携帯用アルコールボトル等)を放出し、ワクチン接種を推進。
IV. 台南市政府は、「部局を超えて」の協力を積極的に推進。
V. 主要病院の院長を訪問し、ワクチンクリニックを設置するとともに、市民が診察に来院する際にワクチン接種できるよう評価・手配。
VI. 主な医師6人、主要労働組合27団体、区長及びメディア記者らのLINEグループを通じワクチン接
The growth rate of COVID-19 XBB vaccination in Tainan City ranks first in the country. The CDC invited Director of the Health Bureau Li Cuifeng to share seven tips for promoting vaccination. It is expected that an air-conditioned air mass will hit this Friday and it will coincide with the 228th consecutive holiday for people to travel. The public is urged to get vaccinated as soon as possible. COVID-19 XBB vaccine, jointly improve protection
Ministry of Health and Welfare www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-02-27 Source: Disease Control Department
The Department of Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) stated today (27th) that Tainan City’s COVID-19 XBB vaccine vaccination rate is 11.56%, leading among the six cities, second in the country, and first in the country in growth rate. Today, we specially invite Tainan City to Director of the Government Health Bureau, Li Cuifeng, shared seven tips for promoting seed production. where followings are included:
1. Set vaccination targets based on the population of the 37 administrative regions, and hold weekly meetings to track progress.
2. The health center has issued postcards and text messages linking to the Tainan vaccination appointment website to remind the public to get vaccinated as soon as possible and make an appointment directly to increase mobility and accessibility.
3. In accordance with the epidemic prevention policy, distributed epidemic prevention materials (rapid screening reagents, thermometers, portable alcohol bottles, etc.) and promote vaccination
4. The Tainan City Government actively promoted cross-bureau cooperation.
5. Visited the directors of major hospitals to set up vaccine clinics, assessed and arranged for people to be
衛生福利部 www.mohw.gov.tw 2024-02-27 來源: 疾病管制署
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