台湾における腸病毒の流行は継続中 :日中医療衛生情報研究所 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2024年 04月16日 『 台湾における腸病毒の流行は継続中 』
衛生福利部 2024-04-16 來源: 疾病管制署
Enterovirus continues to rise. Parents and education/childcare institutions are requested to remain vigilant, pay attention to children’s health conditions, and implement the policy of not attending classes when sick
Ministry of Health and Welfare 2024-04-16 Source: Department of Disease Control
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated today (April 16) that the enterovirus epidemic in Taiwan continues to rise. According to monitoring data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 9,256 enterovirus outpatient and emergency visits nationwide last week (April 7 to April 13). Which shows an increase of 20.9% from the previous week (7,656 visits), compared with previous years, is still the highest in the same period in the past ten years, the epidemic is currently on the rise, and recent laboratory monitoring shows that enterovirus continues to be active in the community. Most of the cases detected were Coxsackie A type, but 6 cases of enterovirus 71 and 1 mild case of D68 type have appeared in the community. It is necessary to continue to pay attention to the risk of transmission in young children and the precursor symptoms of severe enterovirus. There has been one severe case this year (2024), which is caused by Coxsackie A10 infection, which is equivalent to the number of cases (2 cases) in the same period last year (2023).
The CDC stated that since enterovirus is easily spread in places where people interact frequently, such as campuses, daycare classes, and childcare centers, parents and education/childcare institutions are reminded to strengthen teaching
衛生福利部 2024-04-16 來源: 疾病管制署
疾病管制署今(16)日表示,國內腸病毒疫情持續上升,依據疾管署監測資料顯示,上週(4月7日至4月13日)全國腸病毒門急診就診計9,256人次, 較前一週(7,656人次)上升20.9%,與歷年相比仍為近十年以來同期最高,目前疫情呈上升趨勢,另近期實驗室監測顯示腸病毒持續於社區中活動,檢出以克沙奇A型為主,惟社區已出現6例腸病毒71型及1例D68型輕症個案,須持續注意學幼童傳播風險及腸病毒重症前兆病徵。今(2024)年累計1例重症病例,為感染克沙奇A10型,與去(2023)年同期病例數(2例)相當。
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