台湾のコロナ最近は緩やかに下降 先週は262例増;オミクロン変異株100例 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2023年10月24日 16:00 『 台湾のコロナ最近は緩やかに下降 先週は262例増;オミクロン変異株100例 』
衛生福利部 2023-10-24 來源: 疾病管制署
CDCは、「先週検出されたオミクロン変異株は100例、うち、本土症例の68例については、全てがXBB型(重点変異株のEG.5型51例、XBB.1.5型5例、XBB.1.9.1型3例、XBB.1.16型2例、XBB.1.9.2型2例、XBB.2.3型2例の51例); また、輸入症例の32例は全てがXBB型(重点変異株のEG.5型13例、XBB.1.16
The recent epidemic of COVID-19 has slowed down: 262 new local cases (complications) of COVID-19; and 100 new cases of Omicron subtype variants detected last week. The public is reminded to receive the XBB.1.5 vaccine as soon as possible to enhance protection
Ministry of Health and Welfare 2023-10-24 Source: Disease Control Department
October 24, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the CDC) announced today, that since the implementation of the new system on March 20, in Taiwan, there were 262 new confirmed local cases (complications) of COVID-19 last week, a decrease from the 302 new cases in the previous week; there were 29 new deaths last week, a decrease from the 44 new deaths in the previous week. Recently, the domestic epidemic situation has been at a low point and fluctuated up and down. However, the international epidemic situation continues and will be closely monitored.
The CDC pointed out that 100 confirmed cases of Omicron subtype variant strains were newly detected. Among them, 68 local cases were as follows; all the cases are XBB (51 cases of key mutant strains EG.5, 5 cases of XBB.1.5, 3 cases of XBB.1.9.1, 2 cases of XBB.1.16, 2 cases of XBB.1.9.2, 2 cases of XBB.2.3); Further, 32 imported cases all
衛生福利部 2023-10-24 來源: 疾病管制署
疾管署指出,新增檢出100例Omicron變異株確定病例,其中68例本土個案均為XBB (重點變異株51例
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