
武漢市における原因不明ウィルス性肺炎の情況について : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

武漢市における原因不明ウィルス性肺炎の情況について : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2020年 01月11日 07:04:11『 武漢市における原因不明ウィルス性肺炎の情況について 』

武汉市卫健委 wjw.wuhan.gov.cn 2020-01-11 07:04:11 来源:武汉市卫健委

『原因不明のウィルス性肺炎』の病原体が初歩的に新型のコロナウィルスと判定された後、国や省市の専門家グループは原因不明のウィルス性肺炎の資料やモニタリングなどの方案修正を行なった。 武漢市衛生健康委は、患者サンプルの検査を行ない、2020年01月10日24時までに、病原の核酸検査については既に完成している。 国、省市の専門家は収容した病因のモニタリングや治療患者の臨床症状、疫学史、実験室での検査結果など、総合的に判断したところ、初歩的診断ながら、新型のコロナウィルスに感染していた肺炎患者は41例、うち、2名がすでに退院しているが、重症7名、死亡1名となっており、その他患者の病状は安定している。 濃厚接触者は、合計739人見つかっているが、そのうち、医療スタッフは419人おり、いずれも医学観察を受けているものの、(肺炎)関連患者は見つかってはいない。

1) 全力での患者治療。
2) 疫学的調査の全面展開


Wuhan Municipal Health Commission’s Report on Unexplained Viral Pneumonia

Wuhan Municipal Health Commission wjw.wuhan.gov.cn 2020-01-11 07:04:11 Source: Wuhan Municipal Health Commission

After the pathogen of “unknown cause of viral pneumonia” was initially determined to be a new type of coronavirus, the national, provincial and municipal expert groups immediately revised and improved plans for diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of unexplained viral pneumonia. The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission has organized examinations on existing patient specimens. As of 14:00 on January 10, 2020, pathogenic nucleic acid testing has been completed. The national, provincial and municipal expert groups comprehensively judged the clinical manifestations, epidemiological history, and laboratory test results of patients admitted to the hospital for treatment, and 41 cases of pneumonia with a new coronavirus infection have been initially diagnosed, of which 2 were discharged 7 cases were severe and one died. The remaining patients were in stable condition. All 739 close contacts, including 419 medical staff, have been undergoing medical observation and no related cases have been found.

Since the outbreak, with the support of the state and Hubei Province, Wuhan has cooperated with relevant departments to prevent and control the disease in an orderly manner:
1) To spare no effort to treat patients
Developed a work plan(s) for diagnosis and treatment, and effectively achieve early detection, early diagnosis, early isolation, and early treatment, then focusing experts and resources to give full treatment.
2) To carry out in-depth epidemiological investigations
The investigation found that the patients were mainly business persons and purchasers of the South China Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan. On January 1, 2020, the South China Seafood Wholesale Market was closed. Further strengthened disease prevention guidance and environmental hygiene management at the public places, especially the



武汉市卫健委 wjw.wuhan.gov.cn 2020-01-11 07:04:11 来源:武汉市卫健委


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