
COVID-19: 桃園医院現地症例4人増! 感染した介護スタッフの家族3人確診 義母は昨夜死亡 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

COVID-19: 桃園医院現地症例4人増! 感染した介護スタッフの家族3人確診 義母は昨夜死亡 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所

2021年 01月30日 14:13 『 COVID-19: 桃園医院現地症例4人増! 感染した介護スタッフの家族3人確診 義母は昨夜死亡 

COVID-19: 桃園医院現地症例4人増! 感染した介護スタッフの家族3人確診 義母は昨夜死亡

自由時報 news.ltn.com.tw 2021-01-30 14:13

[記者 呉 亮儀/台北報道]

中央感染症指揮センターは、本日新たに現地症例4例を発表したが、全員が桃園医院のクラスター感染者と関係があった。 うち3人(#907患者は、#909患者、#910号患者)は、調査により、第863号患者と同居する家人であり、#863患者、#864患者、#865患者とともに家庭内クラスター患者とされた; もう1例は、#889患者と医療接触があった(#908)人だ。



Taoyuan Hospital has 4 more local cases! Three family members of infected nurse were diagnosed, mother-in-law died at night after being diagnosed yesterday

Liberty Times news.ltn.com.tw 2021-01-30 14:13

[Reporter Wu Liangyi / Taipei Report]

The Wuhan pneumonia (novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19) infection incident in the Taoyuan Hospital of Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Dept. has not stopped yet. Today, 4 local cases have been added, and one of them died of severe illness last night. This is also an increase in deaths since 8 months apart in Taiwan.

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today that there were 4 new local cases, all of which were related to cluster infections in Taoyuan Hospital. Among them, 3 cases were family members living in the same household in case 863 (cases 907, 909, 910), and case 863, 864, and 865 were a family gathering case; The other case #889, was a medical-related contact with Case 908.

Cases 907, 909, and 910 were women in their 80s, 20s, and men in their 80s. They were all isolated at home after being tested negative on January 18.

Case 907 is the mother-in-law of case 863 nurse, with a history of chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, etc. On January 28, she developed symptoms such as loss of appetite, fatigue, and fever. On January 29, due to persistent symptoms, cough and dyspnea, she got a medical examination of which result was positive and died last night.

The other cases 909 and 910 were close contacts of case 863. They arranged for inspection together with case 907


桃醫本土增4例!染疫護理師3家人確診 婆婆昨天確診晚間即死亡

自由時報 news.ltn.com.tw 2021-01-30 14:13





【翻訳詳細全文 は 以下からどうぞ Please visit followings for further detail】

20210130D COVID-19: 桃園医院現地症例4人増! 感染した介護スタッフの家族3人確診 義母は昨夜死亡(自由時報)

20210131D 台湾新型コロナ衛生福利部桃園医院の院内感染者関係図


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