ASF 内蒙古包頭市のダルハン・ムミンガン連合旗で 集団発生 : 日中医療衛生情報研究所
2021年 04月29日 『 ASF 内蒙古包頭市のダルハン・ムミンガン連合旗で 集団発生 』
ASF 内蒙古包頭市のダルハン・ムミンガン連合旗で 集団発生
中国农业农村部 2021-04-29 来源: 农业农村部新闻办公室
04月29日、 農業農村部 新聞弁公室は、内蒙古自治区包頭市ダルハン・ムミンガン連合旗でアフリカ豚熱(以下 『ASF』)のアウトブレイクが発生したと発表した。
ASF発生後、現地は、要求に基づき緊急対応メカニズムを起動し、ホットスポットや感染地区、脅威地区を科学的に確定し、ホットスポット内の生きているブタの殺処分を実施しており、殺処分されたブタや病死したブタへの無害化処理を実施している。 封鎖地区からの生きているブタやその製品の持ち出しは全て禁じられ、封鎖地区へのブタの搬入も禁止され、管轄区内の養豚場への調査や消毒がなされている。 現
An African swine fever outbreak has been reported in Daerhan Maoming’an United Banner, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural P. R. China 2021-04-29 Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Information Office
The Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced on April 29 that an African swine fever epidemic had occurred in Daerhan Maomingan United Banner, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
On April 28, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs received a report from the China Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center that, as confirmed by the Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, an African swine fever outbreak occurred in pigs raised in a certain breeding farm in Daerhan Maomingan Lianhe, Baotou. At the time of the outbreak, the farm had 432 live pigs, 381 were sick and 343 died.
After the outbreak, the local area immediately initiated emergency response in accordance with the requirements of the emergency implementation plan of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and scientifically delineated the epidemic point, the epidemic area and the threatened area. The remaining live pigs in the epidemic area and the susceptible pigs in the epidemic area shall be culled, and the culled pigs and dead pigs shall be treated harmlessly. It is forbidden to transfer all live pigs and their products out of the lockdown area, and prohibit live pigs from entering the lockdown area. Carry out investigation and disinfection of pig farms within the jurisdiction. Currently, epidemic management and epidemiological investigations are underway.
Since the beginning of this year, a total of 10 African swine fever epidemics have been reported across the country
中国农业农村部 2021-04-29 来源: 农业农村部新闻办公室
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